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On Semi-Martingale Characterizations of Functionals of Symmetric Markov Processes
Masatoshi Fukushima, Kansai University |
For a quasi-regular (symmetric) Dirichlet space $( {cal E}, {cal F})$
and an associated symmetric standard process $(X_t, P_x)$, we show that,
for $u in {cal F}$, the additive functional $u^*(X_t) - u^*(X_0)$ is
a semimartingale if and only if there exists an ${cal E}$-nest ${F_n}$
and positive constants $C_n$ such that
$ vert {cal E}(u,v)vert leq C_n Vert vVert_infty, v in
{cal F}_{F_n,b}.$ In particular, a signed measure resulting from
the inequality will be automatically smooth. One of the variants of
this assertion is applied to the distorted Brownian motion on a closed
subset of $R^d$, giving stochastic characterizations of BV functions
and Caccioppoli sets.
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Pages: 1-32
Published on: October 6, 1999
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Electronic Journal of Probability. ISSN: 1083-6489 |