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 Electronic Journal of Probability > Vol. 12 (2007) > Paper 3 open journal systems 

Asymptotic distributions and chaos for the supermarket model

Malwina J Luczak, London School of Economics
Colin McDiarmid, University of Oxford

In the supermarket model there are n queues, each with a unit rate server. Customers arrive in a Poisson process at rate λn, where 0<λ<1. Each customer chooses d > 2 queues uniformly at random, and joins a shortest one. It is known that the equilibrium distribution of a typical queue length converges to a certain explicit limiting distribution as n -> oo. We quantify the rate of convergence by showing that the total variation distance between the equilibrium distribution and the limiting distribution is essentially of order n-1; and we give a corresponding result for systems starting from quite general initial conditions (not in equilibrium). Further, we quantify the result that the systems exhibit chaotic behaviour: we show that the total variation distance between the joint law of a fixed set of queue lengths and the corresponding product law is essentially of order at most n-1.

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Pages: 75-99

Published on: January 24, 2007

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