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 Electronic Journal of Probability > Vol. 14 (2009) > Paper 21 open journal systems 

Intermittence and nonlinear parabolic stochastic partial differential equations

Mohammud Foondun, University of Utah
Davar Khoshnevisan, University of Utah

We consider nonlinear parabolic SPDEs of the form $partial_t u=sL u + sigma(u)dot w$, where $dot w$ denotes space-time white noise, $sigma:RtoR$ is [globally] Lipschitz continuous, and $sL$ is the $L^2$-generator of a L'evy process. We present precise criteria for existence as well as uniqueness of solutions. More significantly, we prove that these solutions grow in time with at most a precise exponential rate. We establish also that when $sigma$ is globally Lipschitz and asymptotically sublinear, the solution to the nonlinear heat equation is ``weakly intermittent,'' provided that the symmetrization of $sL$ is recurrent and the initial data is sufficiently large. Among other things, our results lead to general formulas for the upper second-moment Liapounov exponent of the parabolic Anderson model for $sL$ in dimension $(1+1)$. When $sL=kappapartial_{xx}$ for $kappa>0$, these formulas agree with the earlier results of statistical physics cite{Kardar,KrugSpohn,LL63}, and also probability theory cite{BC,CM94} in the two exactly-solvable cases. That is when $u_0=delta_0$ or $u_0equiv 1$; in those cases the moments of the solution to the SPDE can be computed cite{BC}.

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Pages: 548-568

Published on: February 24, 2009

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Electronic Journal of Probability. ISSN: 1083-6489