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Functional inequalities for heavy tailed distributions and application to isoperimetry
Patrick Cattiaux, Institut Mathématique de Toulouse Nathael Gozlan, Université Marne La Vallée Arnaud Guillin, Université Blaise Pascal Cyril Roberto, Université Marne La Vallée |
This paper is devoted to the study of probability measures with heavy tails.
Using the Lyapunov function approach we prove that such measures satisfy different kind of functional inequalities
such as weak Poincaré and weak Cheeger, weighted Poincaré and weighted Cheeger inequalities and their dual forms.
Proofs are short and we cover very large situations.
For product measures on $R^n$ we obtain the optimal dimension dependence using the mass transportation method.
Then we derive (optimal) isoperimetric inequalities.
Finally we deal with spherically symmetric measures.
We recover and improve many previous result
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Pages: 346-385
Published on: April 9, 2010
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