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On subexponentiality of the Lévy measure of the inverse local time; with applications to penalizations
Paavo H Salminen, AAbo Akademi University, Mathematical Department Pierre Vallois, Université Henri Poincaré, Département de Mathématique |
Abstract. For a recurrent linear diffusion on the positive real axis we study the asymptotics of the distribution of its local time at 0 as the time parameter tends to infinity. Under the assumption that the Lévy measure of the inverse local time is subexponential this distribution behaves asymptotically as a multiple of the Lévy measure. Using spectral representations we find the exact value of the multiple. For this we also need a result on the asymptotic behavior of the convolution of a subexponential distribution and an arbitrary distribution on the positive real axis. The exact knowledge of the asymptotic behavior of the distribution of the local time allows us to analyze the process derived via a penalization procedure with the local time. This result generalizes the penalizations obtained by Roynette, Vallois and Yor in Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 45(1), 2008 for Bessel processes.
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Pages: 1963-1991
Published on: September 17, 2009
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Electronic Journal of Probability. ISSN: 1083-6489 |