Local Bootstrap Percolation
Janko Gravner, University of California Davis
Alexander E. Holroyd, University of British Columbia, Microsoft Research
We study a variant of bootstrap percolation in which growth is restricted
to a single active cluster. Initially there is a single active site at the
origin, while other sites of Z^2 are independently occupied with small
probability p, otherwise empty. Subsequently, an empty site becomes active
by contact with 2 or more active neighbors, and an occupied site becomes
active if it has an active site within distance 2. We prove that the
entire lattice becomes active with probability exp[alpha(p)/p], where
alpha(p) is between -pi^2/9 + c sqrt p and pi^2/9 + C sqrt p (-log p)^3.
This corrects previous numerical predictions for the scaling of the
correction term.
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