Convergence in Incomplete Market Models
P. Ekkehard Kopp, University of Hull
Volker Wellmann, BNP Paribas
The problem of pricing and hedging of contingent claims in
incomplete markets has led to the development of various valuation methodologies. This
paper examines the mean-variance approach to risk-minimisation and shows that it is robust
under the convergence from discrete- to continuous-time market models. This property
yields new convergence results for option prices, trading strategies and value processes
in incomplete market models.
Techniques from nonstandard analysis are used to develop new results for the lifting
property of the minimal martingale density and risk-minimising strategies. These are
applied to a number of incomplete market models:
It is shown that the convergence of the underlying models implies the convergence of
strategies and value processes for multinomial models and approximations of the
Black-Scholes model by direct discretisation of the price process. The concept of
is extended to these classes of models, including the construction of discretisation
schemes. This yields new standard convergence results for these models.
For ease of reference a summary of the main results from nonstandard analysis in the
context of stochastic analysis is given as well as a brief introduction to mean-variance
hedging and pricing.
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