Cube root fluctuations for the corner growth model associated to the exclusion process
Marton Balazs, BUTE, Inst. of Mathematics
Eric Cator, Delft Univ. of Technology, Faculty EWI
Timo Seppalainen, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Mathematics Dept.
We study the last-passage growth model on the planar integer lattice with exponential weights. With boundary conditions that represent the equilibrium exclusion process as seen from a particle right after its jump we prove that the variance of the last-passage time in a characteristic direction is of order t2/3. With more general boundary conditions that include the rarefaction fan case we show that the last-passage time fluctuations are still of order t1/3, and also that the transversal fluctuations of the maximal path have order t2/3. We adapt and then build on a recent study of Hammersley's process by Cator and Groeneboom, and also utilize the competition interface introduced by Ferrari, Martin and Pimentel. The arguments are entirely probabilistic, and no use is made of the combinatorics of Young tableaux or methods of asymptotic analysis.
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