Spatial smoothness of the stationary solutions of the 3D Navier--Stokes equations
Cyril Odasso, ENS Cachan, Ker Lann
We consider stationary solutions of the three dimensional Navier--Stokes equations (NS3D)
with periodic boundary conditions and driven by
an external force which might have a deterministic and a random part.
The random part of the force is white in time and very smooth in space.
We investigate smoothness properties
in space of the stationary solutions.
Classical technics for studying smoothness of stochastic PDEs do not seem to apply since
global existence of strong solutions is not known. We use the
Kolmogorov operator and Galerkin approximations. We first assume that the noise has spatial regularity
of order p in the L2 based Sobolev spaces, in other words that its paths are in Hp.
Then we prove that at each fixed time the law of the
stationary solutions is supported by Hp+1.
Then, using a totally different technic, we prove that if the noise has Gevrey regularity then
at each fixed time, the law of a stationary solution is supported by a Gevrey space.
Some informations on the Kolmogorov dissipation scale are deduced
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