Small Scale Limit Theorems for the Intersection Local Times of Brownian Motion
Peter Mörters, Technische Universität Berlin, Universität Kaiserslautern
Narn-Rueih Shieh, National Taiwan University
In this paper we contribute to the investigation of
the fractal nature of the intersection local time measure on the intersection
of independent Brownian paths. We particularly point out the difference
in the small scale behaviour of the intersection local times in three-dimensional
space and in the plane by studying almost sure limit theorems motivated
by the notion of average densities introduced by Bedford and Fisher. We
show that in 3-space the intersection local time measure of two paths has
an average density of order two with respect to the gauge function $varphi(r)=r$,
but in the plane, for the intersection local time measure of p Brownian
paths, the average density of order two fails to converge. The average
density of order three, however, exists for the gauge function $varphi_p(r)=r^2[log(1/r)]^p$.
We also prove refined versions of the above results, which describe more
precisely the fluctuations of the volume of small balls around these gauge
functions by identifying the density distributions, or lacunarity distributions,
of the intersection local times.
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