The Distribution of Time Spent by a Standard Excursion Above a Given Level, with Applications to Ring Polymers near a Discontinuity in Potential
Kalvis M. Jansons, University College London
The law for the time tau_{a} spent by a standard Brownian excursion above
a given level a>0 is found using Ito excursion theory. This is achieved by
conditioning the excursion to have exactly one mark of an independent
Poisson process. Various excursion rates for excursions conditioned to
have exactly n marks are also given in terms of generating functions. This
work has applications to the theory of ring polymers and end-attached
polymers near a discontinuity in potential.
Douglas P. Kennedy (1976): The distribution of the maximum Brownian
excursion. J. Appl. Probability 13 no. 2, 371--376. Math Review
article not available.
Wim Vervaat (1979): A relation between Brownian bridge and Brownian
excursion. Ann. Probab. 7, no. 1, 143--149.
Math Review link
L.C.G. Rogers and David Williams,
Diffusions, Markov Processes and Martingales: Vol. 2, Ito Calculus, John
Wiley & Sons, (1987).
Math Review link
Kalvis M. Jansons and L.C.G. Rogers (1991): Probability theory and polymer
physics, J. Stat. Phys. 65, 139--165.
Math Review link