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 Electronic Communications in Probability > Vol. 14 (2009) > Paper 32 open journal systems 

Uniform bounds for exponential moment of maximum of a Dyck path

Oleksiy Khorunzhiy, Université de Versailles, France
Jean-François Marckert, CNRS, LabRI, Université de Bordeaux

Let us consider the maximum M(D) of a Dyck path D chosen uniformly in the set of Dyck paths with 2n steps. We prove that the exponential moment of M(D) normalized by the square root of nis bounded in the limit of infinite n. This uniform bound justifies an assumption used in literature to prove certain estimates of high moments of large random matrices.

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Pages: 327-333

Published on: August 12, 2009

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Electronic Communications in Probability. ISSN: 1083-589X