Ragnar Freij, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg Johan Wästlund, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg
The elements of a finite nonempty partially ordered set are exposed at independent uniform times in [0,1] to a selector who, at any given time, can see the structure of the induced partial order on the exposed elements. The selector's task is to choose online a maximal element.
This generalizes the classical linear order secretary problem, for which it is known that the selector can succeed with probability 1/e and that this is best possible.
We describe a strategy for the general problem that achieves success probability at least 1/e for an arbitrary partial order.
Thomas Ferguson.
Who solved the Secretary Problem?
Statistical Science 4 (1989), 282-289.
Math. Review 91k:01011
Nicholas Georgiou, Malgorzata Kuchta, Michal Morayne and Jaroslaw Niemiec.
On a universal best choice algorithm for partially ordered sets.
Random Structures and Algorithms32(3) (2008), 263-273.
Math. Review 2009b:90120
Jakub Kozik. Dynamic threshold strategy for universal best choice problem.
DMTCS Proceedings, 21st International Meeting on Probabilistic, Combinatorial, and Asymptotic Methods in the Analysis of Algorithms (2010), 439-452.
Math. Review number not available.
Michal Morayne.
Partial-order analogue of the secretary problem. The binary tree case.
Discrete Mathematics184(1-3) (1998), 165-181.
Math. Review 99f:60086
John Preater.
The best-choice problem for partially ordered objects.
Operations Research Letters25 (1999), 187-190.
Math. Review 2000g:90069