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Random Strict Partitions and Determinantal Point Processes
Leonid Petrov, Kharkevich Institute for Information Transmission Problems |
We present new examples of determinantal point processes with infinitely many particles. The particles live on the half-lattice {1,2,...} or on the open half-line (0,+infty). The main result is the computation of the correlation kernels. They have integrable form and are expressed through the Euler gamma function (the lattice case) and the classical Whittaker functions (the continuous case). Our processes are obtained via a limit transition from a model of random strict partitions introduced by Borodin (1997) in connection with the problem of harmonic analysis for projective
characters of the infinite symmetric group.
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Pages: 162-175
Published on: May 19, 2010
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Electronic Communications in Probability. ISSN: 1083-589X |