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The barnes G function and its relations with sums
and products of generalized Gamma convolution variables
Ashkan Nikeghbali, University of Zurich Marc Yor, Universite Paris 6 |
We give a probabilistic interpretation for the Barnes G-function which appears in random
matrix theory and in analytic number theory in the important moments conjecture due to
Keating-Snaith for the Riemann zeta function, via the analogy with the characteristic polynomial
of random unitary matrices. We show that the Mellin transform of the characteristic
polynomial of random unitary matrices and the Barnes G-function are intimately related with
products and sums of gamma, beta and log-gamma variables. In particular, we show that
the law of the modulus of the characteristic polynomial of random unitary matrices can be
expressed with the help of products of gamma or beta variables. This leads us to prove some
non standard type of limit theorems for the logarithmic mean of the so called generalized gamma convolutions.
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Pages: 396-411
Published on: September 23, 2009
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Electronic Communications in Probability. ISSN: 1083-589X |