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Invariant measures for stochastic Cauchy problems with asymptotically unstable drift semigroup
Onno van Gaans, Leiden University Jan van Neerven, Technical University of Delft |
We investigate existence and permanence properties of invariant measures for abstract stochastic Cauchy problems of the form
dU(t) = (AU(t) + f) dt + B dWH(t),
governed by the generator A of
an asymptotically unstable C0-semigroup on a Banach space E.
Here f in E is fixed, WH is a cylindrical Brownian motion
over a separable real Hilbert space H, and B is a bounded operator from H to E.
We show that if E does not contain a copy of c0, such invariant
measures fail to exist generically but may exist for a dense set
of operators B. It turns out that many results on invariant measures which
hold under the assumption of uniform exponential stability of S break down
without this assumption.
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Pages: 24-34
Published on: March 29, 2006
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Electronic Communications in Probability. ISSN: 1083-589X |