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 Electronic Communications in Probability > Vol. 7 (2002) > Paper 11 open journal systems 

Geodesics and Recurrence of Random Walks in Disordered Systems

Daniel Boivin, Université de Bretagne Sud
Jean-Marc Derrien, Université de Bretagne Sud

In a first-passage percolation model on the square lattice $Z^2$, if the passage times are independent then the number of geodesics is either $0$ or $+infty$. If the passage times are stationary, ergodic and have a finite moment of order $alpha >1/2$, then the number of geodesics is either $0$ or $+infty$. We construct a model with stationary passage times such that $Elbrack t(e)^alpharbrack

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Pages: 101-115

Published on: May 15, 2002

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Electronic Communications in Probability. ISSN: 1083-589X