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On the lower bound of the spectral norm of symmetric random matrices with independent entries
Sandrine Peche, Institut Fourier, Grenoble, France Alexander Soshnikov, University of California at Davis, USA |
We show that the spectral radius of an N-dimensional random symmetric matrix with i.i.d. bounded centered but non-symmetrically
distributed entries is bounded from below by 2σ - o(N-6/11+ε), where σ2 is the the variance of the matrix entries and ε > 0 is an arbitrary small positive number. Combining with our previous result from [7], this proves
that for any ε > 0 one has ||AN|| = 2σ + o(N-6/11+ε)
with probability going to 1 as N goes to infinity.
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Pages: 280-290
Published on: June 1, 2008
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Electronic Communications in Probability. ISSN: 1083-589X |