Uniform Upper Bound for a Stable Measure of a Small Ball
Michal Ryznar, Wroclaw University of Technology Tomasz Zak, Wroclaw University of Technology
P. Hitczenko, S.Kwapien, W.N.Li, G.Schechtman, T.Schlumprecht and J.Zinn
stated the following conjecture.
Let $mu$ be a symmetric $alpha$-stable measure on a separable Banach
space and $B$ a centered ball such that $mu(B)le b$.
Then there exists a constant $R(b)$, depending only on $b$, such that
$mu(tB)le R(b)tmu(B)$ for
all $0 < t < 1$.
We prove that the above inequality holds but the constant $R$ must
depend also on $alpha$.
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