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On the Principle of Smooth Fit for Killed Diffusions
Farman Samee, University of Manchester |
We explore the principle of smooth fit in the case of the discounted
optimal stopping problem
V(x)=supτ Ex[e-βτG(Xτ)].
We show that there exists a regular diffusion $X$ and differentiable
gain function $G$ such that the value function $V$ above fails to
satisfy the smooth fit condition $V'(b)=G'(b)$ at the optimal
stopping point $b$. However, if the fundamental solutions $psi$ and
$phi$ of the `killed' generator equation $LXu(x) - beta
u(x) =0$ are differentiable at $b$ then the smooth fit condition
$V'(b)=G'(b)$ holds (whenever $X$ is regular and $G$ is
differentiable at $b$). We give an example showing that this can
happen even when `smooth fit through scale' (in the sense of the
discounted problem) fails.
Full text: PDF
Pages: 89-98
Published on: March 22, 2010
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Electronic Communications in Probability. ISSN: 1083-589X |