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A Monotonicity Result for Hard-core and Widom-Rowlinson Models on Certain d-dimensional Lattices
Olle Häggström, Chalmers University of Technology and Goteborg University |
For each $dgeq 2$, we give examples of
$d$-dimensional periodic lattices on which the hard-core and
Widom-Rowlinson models exhibit a phase transition which is
monotonic, in the sense that there exists a critical value $lambda_c$
for the activity parameter $lambda$, such that there is a unique
Gibbs measure (resp. multiple Gibbs measures) whenever $lambda$ is
less than $lambda_c$ (resp. $lambda$ greater
than $lambda_c$). This contrasts with earlier examples of such
lattices, where the phase transition failed to be monotonic. The case
of the cubic lattice $Z^d$ remains an open problem.
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Pages: 67-78
Published on: February 2, 2002
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Electronic Communications in Probability. ISSN: 1083-589X |