Excursions Into a New Duality Relation for Diffusion Processes
Kalvis M. Jansons, University College London
This work was motivated by the recent work by H. Dette, J.
Pitman and W.J. Studden on a new duality relation for random
walks. In this note we consider the diffusion
process limit of their result, and use the alternative approach of
Ito excursion theory. This leads to a duality for Ito excursion
H. Dette, J. Pitman and W. J. Studden,
A new duality relation for random walks,
Technical Report No. 432, Department of Statistics, University of California
at Berkeley, (1995).
Math Review article not available.
L.C.G. Rogers and David Williams,
Diffusions, Markov Processes and Martingales: Vol. 2, Ito Calculus, John
Wiley & Sons, (1987).
Math Review link
D.S. Dean and K.M. Jansons,
Excursions for polymers in elongational flows, J. Stat. Phys. 79, (1995),
Math Review article not available.
D. Siegmund,
The equivalence of absorbing and reflecting barrier problems for
stochastically monotone Markov processes, Ann. Prob. 4, (1976), 914--924.
Math Review link