A 2-Dimensional SDE Whose Solutions are Not Unique
Jan M. Swart, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
In 1971, Yamada and Watanabe showed that pathwise uniqueness holds for the SDE
dX= sigma (X)dB when sigma takes values
in the n-by-m matrices and
satisfies |sigma (x)- sigma (y)| <
When n=m=2 and sigma is of the form
sigma ij(x)=
they showed that this condition can be relaxed to
| sigma(x)-sigma(y)|
< |x-y|log(1/|x-y|), leaving open the question
whether this is true for general 2-by-m matrices.
We construct a 2-by-1 matrix-valued function which negatively answers this question.
The construction demonstrates an unexpected effect, namely, that fluctuations in the
radial direction may stabilize a particle in the origin.
M. T. Barlow, One dimensional stochastic differential equations with
no strong solution, J. London Math. Soc., 26:335-347, 1982.
Math. Reviews number
S. N. Ethier and T. G. Kurtz, Markov Processes: Characterization
and Convergence, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1986.
Math. Reviews number
J. M. Swart, Pathwise uniqueness for a SDE with non-Lipschitz
coefficients. preprint 2000. Math. Reviews number not available.
T. Yamada and S. Watanabe, On the uniqueness of solutions of stochastic
differential equations. J. Math. Kyoto Univ., 11:155-167, 1971.
Math. Reviews number
43 #4150
T. Yamada and S. Watanabe, On the uniqueness of solutions of stochastic
differential equations II. J. Math. Kyoto Univ., 11:553-563, 1971.
Math. Reviews number
44 #6071