Contents |
079-090 |
On a hierarchy of Boolean functions hard to
compute in constant depth
Anna Bernasconi |
091-100 |
A note on
representations of the finite Heisenberg group and sums of
greatest common divisors
Johannes Grassberger
Günther Hörmann
101-108 |
A permutations representation that knows what "Eulerian" means Mantaci, Roberto and Rakotondrajao, Fanja |
109-122 |
P4-Free Colorings and P4-Bipartite Graphs Chính T. Hoàng and Van Bang Le |
123-132 |
Cubic Cayley graphs with small diameter. Eugene Curtin |
133-138 |
Paths of specified length in random k-partite graphs C.R. Subramanian |
139-156 |
Analysis of Transmissions Scheduling with Packet Fragmentation Nir Menakerman and Raphael Rom |
157-172 |
Minimum Eccentricity
Multicast Trees David Krumme and Paraskevi Fragopoulou |
173-178 |
Linear time recognition of P4-indifference graphs Michel Habib, Christophe Paul and Laurent Viennot |
179-192 |
Finite Automata with Generalized Acceptance Criteria Timo Peichl and Heribert Vollmer |
193-234 |
The first-order theory of ordering constraints over feature trees Martin Müller, Joachim Niehren and Ralf Treinen |
235-246 |
decomposition for local access network design
with two technologies Randazzo, C. D. and Luna, H. P. L. and Mahey, P. |
247-254 |
A Degree-Decreasing Lemma for (MODq - MODp) Circuits Vince Grolmusz |
255-272 |
Oriented multicast routing algorithm applied to network-level agent search Damien Magoni and Jean-Jacques Pansiot |
272-290 |
Defect Effect of Bi-infinite Words in the Two-element Case Ján Maňuch |
291-300 |
Simple Equational Specifications of Rational Arithmetic Lawrence S. Moss |
301-322 |
An Approximate Lp Difference Algorithm for Massive Data Streams Jessica H. Fong and Martin Strauss |
323-350 |
An Efficient Algorithm for the Maximum Distance Problem Gabrielle Assunta Grün |
351-356 |
The topological entropy of iterated piecewise affine maps is uncomputable Pascal Koiran |
357-362 |
Overlap-free symmetric D0L words Anna Frid |
363-398 |
Asymptotic normality of recursive algorithms via martingale difference arrays Werner Schachinger |