24. Eva Viehmann The Global Structure of Moduli Spaces of Polarized $p$-Divisible Groups Documenta Math. 13 (2008) 825--852 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 60k, dvi 146k, ps.gz 630k, pdf 291k 23. Timothy Logvinenko Natural G-Constellation Families Documenta Math. 13 (2008) 803--823 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 45k, dvi 144k, ps.gz 763k, pdf 255k 22. Christian Ausoni, Bjørn Ian Dundas and John Rognes Divisibility of the Dirac Magnetic Monopole as a Two-Vector Bundle over the Three-Sphere Documenta Math. 13 (2008) 795--801 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 13k, dvi 29k, ps.gz 512k, pdf 100k 21. Goro Shimura The Critical Values of Certain Dirichlet Series Documenta Math. 13 (2008) 775--794 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 40k, dvi 90k, ps.gz 503k, pdf 200k 20. Goro Shimura Arithmetic of Hermitian Forms Documenta Math. 13 (2008) 739--774 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 88k, dvi 201k, ps.gz 647k, pdf 370k 19. Matthias Künzer Comparison of Spectral Sequences Involving Bifunctors Documenta Math. 13 (2008) 677--737 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 119k, dvi 418k, ps.gz 1167k, pdf 596k 18. F. Déglise Around the Gysin Triangle II. Documenta Math. 13 (2008) 613--675 Abstract 3k, dvi.gz 167k, dvi 494k, ps.gz 1228k, pdf 704k 17. Gereon Quick Profinite Homotopy Theory Documenta Math. 13 (2008) 585--612 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 60k, dvi 138k, ps.gz 633k, pdf 280k 16. Eric A. Carlen and Elliott H. Lieb Brascamp-Lieb Inequalities for Non-Commutative Integration Documenta Math. 13 (2008) 553--584 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 51k, dvi 125k, ps.gz 604k, pdf 270k 15. Wieslawa Niziol K-Theory of Log-Schemes I Documenta Math. 13 (2008) 505--551 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 97k, dvi 305k, ps.gz 1013k, pdf 483k 14. Ciro Ciliberto, Gerard van der Geer Andreotti--Mayer Loci and the Schottky Problem Documenta Math. 13 (2008) 453--504 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 110k, dvi 264k, ps.gz 861k, pdf 497k 13. Viorel Costeanu On the 2-Typical De Rham-Witt Complex Documenta Math. 13 (2008) 413--452 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 65k, dvi 187k, ps.gz 845k, pdf 315k 12. Paul S. Muhly and Baruch Solel Schur Class Operator Functions and Automorphisms of Hardy Algebras Documenta Math. 13 (2008) 365--411 Abstract 3k, dvi.gz 96k, dvi 234k, ps.gz 629k, pdf 410k 11. Denis Perrot Secondary Invariants for Frechet Algebras and Quasihomomorphisms Documenta Math. 13 (2008) 275--363 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 194k, dvi 523k, ps.gz 945k, pdf 762k 10. Alex Postnikov, Victor Reiner, Lauren Williams Faces of Generalized Permutohedra Documenta Math. 13 (2008) 207--273 --> This manuscript contains graphics, --> hence the dvi files will be incomplete. Abstract 3k, dvi.gz 129k, dvi 307k, ps.gz 951k, pdf 612k 9. Alex Kumjian, David Pask, Aidan Sims $C^*$-Algebras Associated to Coverings of $k$-Graphs Documenta Math. 13 (2008) 161--205 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 166k, dvi 404k, ps.gz 1069k, pdf 482k 8. Guido Kings Degeneration of Polylogarithms and Special Values of $L$-Functions for Totally Real Fields Documenta Math. 13 (2008) 131--159 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 47k, dvi 114k, ps.gz 784k, pdf 259k 7. Jürgen Ritter and Alfred Weiss Equivariant Iwasawa Theory: An Example Documenta Math. 13 (2008) 117--129 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 27k, dvi 69k, ps.gz 837k, pdf 169k 6. V. Bach, J. Hoppe, D. Lundholm Dynamical Symmetries in Supersymmetric Matrix Documenta Math. 13 (2008) 103--116 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 29k, dvi 65k, ps.gz 630k, pdf 165k 5. Jörg Winkelmann On Tameness and Growth Conditions Documenta Math. 13 (2008) 97--101 Abstract 1k, dvi.gz 9k, dvi 18k, ps.gz 461k, pdf 80k 4. A. Vishik, K. Zainoulline Motivic Splitting Lemma Documenta Math. 13 (2008) 81--96 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 35k, dvi 77k, ps.gz 675k, pdf 199k 3. Sergey Morozov Essential Spectrum of Multiparticle Brown--Ravenhall Operators in External Field Documenta Math. 13 (2008) 51--79 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 55k, dvi 205k, ps.gz 810k, pdf 326k 2. Tom Leinster The Euler Characteristic of a Category Documenta Math. 13 (2008) 21--49 --> This manuscript contains graphics, --> hence the dvi files will be incomplete. Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 66k, dvi 155k, ps.gz 616k, pdf 279k 1. V. Gritsenko, K. Hulek and G. K. Sankaran Hirzebruch-Mumford Proportionality and Locally Symmetric Varieties of Orthogonal Type Documenta Math. 13 (2008) 1--19 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 35k, dvi 83k, ps.gz 520k, pdf 200kTotal data: Abstracts: 50 k, dvi.gz: 1803 k, dvi: 4795 k, ps.gz: 18333 k, pdf: 8304 , total: 14952 k
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