19. Marc A. Nieper-Wißkirchen Calculation of Rozansky-Witten Invariants on the Hilbert Schemes of Points on a K3 Surface and the Generalised Kummer Varieties Documenta Math. 8 (2003) 591--623 --> This manuscript contains graphics, --> hence the dvi files will be incomplete. Abstract 4k, dvi.gz 60k, dvi 165k, ps.gz 758k, pdf 349k 18. Chin-Lung Wang Curvature Properties of the Calabi-Yau Moduli Documenta Math. 8 (2003) 577--590 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 29k, dvi 71k, ps.gz 536k, pdf 177k 17. Douglas Bridges and Luminita Vîta Separatedness in Constructive Topology Documenta Math. 8 (2003) 567--576 --> This manuscript contains graphics, --> hence the dvi files will be incomplete. Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 16k, dvi 37k, ps.gz 428k, pdf 116k 16. Rupert L. Frank On the scattering theory of the Laplacian with a periodic boundary condition. I. Existence of wave operators Documenta Math. 8 (2003) 547--565 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 29k, dvi 76k, ps.gz 532k, pdf 192k 15. Daniel Krashen Severi-Brauer Varieties of Semidirect Product Algebras Documenta Math. 8 (2003) 527--546 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 33k, dvi 81k, ps.gz 565k, pdf 200k 14. Bjørn Ian Dundas, Oliver Röndigs, Paul Arne Østvær Motivic Functors Documenta Math. 8 (2003) 489--525 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 59k, dvi 157k, ps.gz 636k, pdf 332k 13. Bjørn Ian Dundas, Oliver Röndigs, Paul Arne Østvær Enriched Functors and Stable Homotopy Theory Documenta Math. 8 (2003) 409--488 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 146k, dvi 406k, ps.gz 1048k, pdf 717k 12. Brian Conrad, Bas Edixhoven, William Stein $J_1(p)$ Has Connected Fibers Documenta Math. 8 (2003) 331--408 --> This manuscript contains graphics, --> hence the dvi files will be incomplete. Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 133k, dvi 363k, ps.gz 964k, pdf 706k 11. Grégory Berhuy, Giordano Favi Essential Dimension: a Functorial Point of View (After A.~Merkurjev) Documenta Math. 8 (2003) 279--330 Abstract 3k, dvi.gz 99k, dvi 244k, ps.gz 788k, pdf 471k 10. Jean-Paul Bonnet Un Isomorphisme Motivique entre Deux Variétés Homogènes Projectives sous l'Action d'un Groupe de Type $G_2$ Documenta Math. 8 (2003) 247--277 --> This manuscript contains graphics, --> hence the dvi files will be incomplete. Abstract 3k, dvi.gz 55k, dvi 150k, ps.gz 697k, pdf 295k 9. Michael Puschnigg Diffeotopy Functors of ind-Algebras and Local Cyclic Cohomology Documenta Math. 8 (2003) 143--245 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 152k, dvi 415k, ps.gz 835k, pdf 760k 8. Joost van Hamel The Reciprocity Obstruction for Rational Points on Compactifications of Torsors under Tori over Fields with Global Duality Documenta Math. 8 (2003) 125--142 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 29k, dvi 77k, ps.gz 826k, pdf 208k 7. Norbert Hoffmann Stability of Arakelov Bundles and Tensor Products without Global Sections Documenta Math. 8 (2003) 115--123 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 18k, dvi 41k, ps.gz 555k, pdf 137k 6. G. van der Geer, T. Katsura On the Height of Calabi-Yau Varieties in Positive Characteristic Documenta Math. 8 (2003) 97--113 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 33k, dvi 85k, ps.gz 555k, pdf 203k 5. Wolfgang Krieger and Kengo Matsumoto A Lambda-Graph System for the Dyck Shift and Its K-Groups Documenta Math. 8 (2003) 79--96 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 26k, dvi 73k, ps.gz 642k, pdf 182k 4. Patrick Brosnan A Short Proof of Rost Nilpotence via Refined Correspondences Documenta Math. 8 (2003) 69--78 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 19k, dvi 45k, ps.gz 529k, pdf 125k 3. Ivan Panin, Kirill Zainoulline Variations on the Bloch-Ogus Theorem Documenta Math. 8 (2003) 51--67 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 32k, dvi 80k, ps.gz 684k, pdf 196k 2. Bas Edixhoven, Chandrashekhar Khare Hasse Invariant and Group Cohomology Documenta Math. 8 (2003) 43--50 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 15k, dvi 37k, ps.gz 524k, pdf 125k 1. Elmar Grosse-Klönne On Families of Pure Slope $L$-Functions Documenta Math. 8 (2003) 1--42 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 82k, dvi 216k, ps.gz 656k, pdf 402kTotal data: Abstracts: 42 k, dvi.gz: 1065 k, dvi: 2819 k, ps.gz: 12758 k, pdf: 5893 , total: 9819 k
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