22. Jürgen Hausen A Generalization of Mumford's Geometric Invariant Theory Documenta Math. 6 (2001) 571--592 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 40k, dvi 107k, ps.gz 189k, pdf 220k 21. D. Burns and M. Flach Tamagawa Numbers for Motives with (Non-Commutative) Coefficients Documenta Math. 6 (2001) 501--570 Abstract 3k, dvi.gz 132k, dvi 377k, ps.gz 474k, pdf 626k 20. Grégory Berhuy, David B. Leep Divisible Subgroups of Brauer Groups and Trace Forms of Central Simple Algebras Documenta Math. 6 (2001) 489--500 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 23k, dvi 56k, ps.gz 159k, pdf 151k 19. Amnon Neeman On the Derived Category of Sheaves on a Manifold Documenta Math. 6 (2001) 483--488 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 12k, dvi 29k, ps.gz 109k, pdf 98k 18. P. Schneider, J. Teitelbaum p-Adic Fourier Theory Documenta Math. 6 (2001) 447--481 Abstract 3k, dvi.gz 58k, dvi 140k, ps.gz 267k, pdf 286k 17. Rutger Noot Lifting Galois Representations, and a Conjecture of Fontaine and Mazur Documenta Math. 6 (2001) 419--445 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 52k, dvi 142k, ps.gz 255k, pdf 285k 16. Jörg Winkelmann Realizing Countable Groups As Automorphism Groups of Riemann Surfaces Documenta Math. 6 (2001) 413--417 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 10k, dvi 21k, ps.gz 125k, pdf 97k 15. Oleg H. Izhboldin and Ina Kersten Excellent Special Orthogonal Groups Documenta Math. 6 (2001) 385--412 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 53k, dvi 158k, ps.gz 241k, pdf 298k 14. Michael Anshelevich Partition-Dependent Stochastic Measures and q-Deformed Cumulants Documenta Math. 6 (2001) 343--384 --> This manuscript contains graphics, --> hence the dvi files will be incomplete. Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 79k, dvi 208k, ps.gz 415k, pdf 388k 13. Annette Werner Compactification of the Bruhat-Tits Building of PGL by Lattices of Smaller Rank Documenta Math. 6 (2001) 315--341 --> This manuscript contains graphics, --> hence the dvi files will be incomplete. Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 56k, dvi 140k, ps.gz 285k, pdf 287k 12. Brooks Roberts Global $L$-Packets for GSp(2) and Theta Lifts Documenta Math. 6 (2001) 247--314 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 142k, dvi 371k, ps.gz 429k, pdf 540k 11. Mikael Rørdam Extensions of Stable $C^*$-Algebras Documenta Math. 6 (2001) 241--246 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 12k, dvi 26k, ps.gz 136k, pdf 103k 10. Daniel Huybrechts Products of Harmonic Forms and Rational Curves Documenta Math. 6 (2001) 227--239 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 25k, dvi 63k, ps.gz 147k, pdf 151k 9. Jan Stevens Rolling Factors Deformations and Extensions of Canonical Curves Documenta Math. 6 (2001) 185--226 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 78k, dvi 209k, ps.gz 292k, pdf 330k 8. Jérôme Chabert and Siegfried Echterhoff Permanence Properties of the Baum-Connes Conjecture Documenta Math. 6 (2001) 127--183 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 112k, dvi 311k, ps.gz 375k, pdf 481k 7. Henning Krause On Neeman's Well Generated Triangulated Categories Documenta Math. 6 (2001) 121--126 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 11k, dvi 26k, ps.gz 104k, pdf 95k 6. R. Skip Garibaldi, Anne Quéguiner-Mathieu, Jean-Pierre Tignol Involutions and Trace Forms on Exterior Powers of a Central Simple Algebra Documenta Math. 6 (2001) 99--120 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 39k, dvi 104k, ps.gz 216k, pdf 224k 5. C. Deninger On the Gamma-Factors of Motives II Documenta Math. 6 (2001) 69--97 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 47k, dvi 129k, ps.gz 308k, pdf 285k 4. Manfred Streit and Jürgen Wolfart Cyclic Projective Planes and Wada Dessins Documenta Math. 6 (2001) 39--68 Abstract 3k, dvi.gz 54k, dvi 126k, ps.gz 223k, pdf 249k 3. Jörg Winkelmann How Frequent Are Discrete Cyclic Subgroups of Semisimple Lie Groups? Documenta Math. 6 (2001) 31--37 --> This manuscript contains graphics, --> hence the dvi files will be incomplete. Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 11k, dvi 23k, ps.gz 133k, pdf 107k 2. Matei Toma Compact Moduli Spaces of Stable Sheaves over Non-Algebraic Surfaces Documenta Math. 6 (2001) 11--29 Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 36k, dvi 90k, ps.gz 204k, pdf 205k 1. Raymond Brummelhuis, Norbert Röhrl, Heinz Siedentop Stability of the Relativistic Electron-Positron Field of Atoms in Hartree-Fock Approximation: Heavy Elements Documenta Math. 6 (2001) 1--9 --> This manuscript contains graphics, --> hence the dvi files will be incomplete. Abstract 2k, dvi.gz 16k, dvi 37k, ps.gz 164k, pdf 134kTotal data: Abstracts: 47 k, dvi.gz: 1098 k, dvi: 2893 k, ps.gz: 5250 k, pdf: 5640 , total: 9678 k
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