21. Bernold Fiedler and Rolf M. Mantel Crossover Collision of Scroll Wave Filaments --> This manuscript contains graphics, --> hence the dvi files will be incomplete. --> Please observe also the mpeg video illustrations. Documenta Math. 5 (2000) 695-731 Abstract 3 k, dvi.gz 58 k, dvi 160 k, ps.gz 8144 k, pdf 1946 k. 20. M. V. Bondarko Local Leopoldt's Problem for Rings of Integers in Abelian $p$-Extensions of Complete Discrete Valuation Fields Documenta Math. 5 (2000) 657-693 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 56 k, dvi 149 k, ps.gz 213 k, pdf 267 k. 19. Robert Lauter, Bertrand Monthubert, Victor Nistor Pseudodifferential Analysis on Continuous Family Groupoids Documenta Math. 5 (2000) 625-655 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 55 k, dvi 138 k, ps.gz 219 k, pdf 269 k. 18. Michael Brinkmeier Strongly Homotopy-Commutative Monoids Revisited Documenta Math. 5 (2000) 613-624 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 23 k, dvi 56 k, ps.gz 157 k, pdf 150 k. 17. Ralph J. Bremigan Pseudokähler Forms on Complex Lie Groups Documenta Math. 5 (2000) 595-612 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 35 k, dvi 85 k, ps.gz 170 k, pdf 185 k. 16. Ivan Kausz A Modular Compactification of the General Linear Group Documenta Math. 5 (2000) 553-594 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 122 k, dvi 384 k, ps.gz 352 k, pdf 428 k. 15. J. F. Jardine Motivic Symmetric Spectra Documenta Math. 5 (2000) 445-552 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 164 k, dvi 482 k, ps.gz 383 k, pdf 596 k. 14. Hans-Georg Rück and Ulrich Tipp Heegner Points and $L$-Series of Automorphic Cusp Forms of Drinfeld Type Documenta Math. 5 (2000) 365-444 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 111 k, dvi 342 k, ps.gz 370 k, pdf 518 k. 13. Andrew Baker $I_n$-Local Johnson-Wilson Spectra and their Hopf Algebroids Documenta Math. 5 (2000) 351-364 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 23 k, dvi 62 k, ps.gz 140 k, pdf 144 k. 12. Erez Lapid and Jonathan Rogawski Stabilization of periods of Eisenstein series and Bessel distributions on $GL(3)$ relative to $U(3)$ Documenta Math. 5 (2000) 317-350 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 54 k, dvi 139 k, ps.gz 223 k, pdf 268 k. 11. Heinz König On the Inner Daniell-Stone and Riesz Representation Theorems Documenta Math. 5 (2000) 301-315 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 29 k, dvi 69 k, ps.gz 131 k, pdf 151 k. 10. Jens Lieberum The Number of Independent Vassiliev Invariants in the Homfly and Kauffman Polynomials Documenta Math. 5 (2000) 275-299 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 83 k, dvi 223 k, ps.gz 207 k, pdf 241 k. 9. Claudia Wulff Transitions from Relative Equilibria to Relative Periodic Orbits --> This manuscript contains graphics, --> hence the dvi files will be incomplete. Documenta Math. 5 (2000) 227-274 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 81 k, dvi 217 k, ps.gz 970 k, pdf 848 k. 8. Elke Wilczok New Uncertainty Principles for the Continuous Gabor Transform and the Continuous Wavelet Transform Documenta Math. 5 (2000) 201-226 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 39 k, dvi 100 k, ps.gz 184 k, pdf 209 k. 7. Jinya Nakamura On the Milnor $K$-Groups of Complete Discrete Valuation Fields Documenta Math. 5 (2000) 151-200 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 76 k, dvi 265 k, ps.gz 273 k, pdf 326 k. 6. Laurent Bonavero and Shigeharu Takayama Some Boundedness Results for Fano-Like Moishezon Manifolds Documenta Math. 5 (2000) 141-150 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 19 k, dvi 42 k, ps.gz 123 k, pdf 125 k. 5. Eva Maria Feichtner and Günter M. Ziegler The Integral Cohomology Algebras of Ordered Configuration Spaces of Spheres --> This manuscript contains graphics, --> hence the dvi files will be incomplete. Documenta Math. 5 (2000) 115-139 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 42 k, dvi 110 k, ps.gz 203 k, pdf 244 k. 4. N. Christopher Phillips A Classification Theorem for Nuclear Purely Infinite Simple C$^*$-Algebras Documenta Math. 5 (2000) 49-114 Abstract 3 k, dvi.gz 114 k, dvi 311 k, ps.gz 291 k, pdf 443 k. 3. A. Iliev and D. Markushevich The Abel-Jacobi Map for a Cubic Threefold and Periods of Fano Threefolds of Degree 14 Documenta Math. 5 (2000) 23-47 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 52 k, dvi 123 k, ps.gz 208 k, pdf 250 k. 2. Karl-Heinz Hoffmann, Victor N. Starovoitov Zur Bewegung einer Kugel in einer zähen Flüssigkeit Documenta Math. 5 (2000) 15-21 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 13 k, dvi 31 k, ps.gz 115 k, pdf 105 k. 1. Atallah Affane Formules de Représentation Intégrale pour les Domaines de Cartan Documenta Math. 5 (2000) 1-13 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 23 k, dvi 54 k, ps.gz 129 k, pdf 137 k.Total data: Abstracts: 44 k, dvi.gz: 1272 k, dvi: 3542 k, ps.gz: 13205 k, pdf: 7850, total: 25913 k
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