Guide for authors

Divulgaciones Matemáticas is a refereed journal which considers for publication unpublished papers in all branches of mathematics and its applications, history or teaching. Contributions may be research papers, expository and historical papers, problems and solutions, thesis abstracts and bibliographical reviews.

Two clearly printed copies and an electronic version prepared with LaTeX (source and dvi files plus figures in eps format) are required for all submitted works. Accepted languages are Spanish and English. Download here a LaTeX template for papers in English. For papers in Spanish use this one.

The first requisite for a paper to be publishable is its mathematical correction. In the second place, the style must be attractive and as fluent and organized as possible. For research papers the relevance and originality of the results are taken in account.

Papers should be organized in the following sections:

Ten reprints are sent free of charge to the authors of each paper.

Our address is:

Revista Divulgaciones Matemáticas
Departamento de Matemática
Facultad Experimental de Ciencias
La Universidad del Zulia, Apartado 526
Maracaibo, Estado Zulia

E-mail us here.

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