Founder & Editor-in-chief


Mohammad Sal Moslehian

Ferdowsi University of Mashhad



Advisory Board

William B. Arveson

University of California Berkeley



John B. Conway

George Washington University


Per H. Enflo

Kent State University


Josip Pečarić

University of Zagreb


 Hari M. Srivastava
University Victoria


Wieslaw Zelazko

Polish Academy of Sciences



Editorial Board

Mati Abel

University of Tartu, Estonia

Topological algebras (in particular, Gelfand-Mazur algebras; galbed algebra; bornological algebras and application of bornology in topological algebras and of topological algebra in sheaf theory).


Dale E. Alspach

Oklahoma State University, USA

(Geometry of) Normed linear spaces and Banach spaces; Banach lattices; Inner product spaces and their generalizations; Hilbert spaces; Linear function spaces and their duals.


Catalin Badea

Universite Lille 1, France

General theory of linear operators, Spectral theory; Numerical range; Asymptotic of iterates; Operator ergodic theory; Functional calculi.

Damir Bakić

University of Zagreb, Croatia

C*-modules; C*-algebras; Operator theory.

Joseph A. Ball

Virginia Tech., USA

Operator theory; Mathematical systems theory.

Matej Brešar

University of Maribor, Slovenia

Banach algebras; Derivations; Automorphisms; Elementary operators; Ring theoretic methods in functional analysis.


Luis P. Castro
University of Aveiro, Portugal

Wiener-Hopf, Hankel, Toeplitz, singular integral, and convolution type operators; Fredholm operators and index theories; Boundary value problems in Banach spaces from an operator theory viewpoint.


Sever S. Dragomir

Victoria University, Australia

Classical mathematical analysis; Theory of inequalities; Convex functions; Best approximation; norm and operator inequalities.

Michael Frank

Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig, Germany

Operator spaces and completely bounded maps; C*-modules; Operator spaces (matricially normed spaces); C*-algebras and W*-algebras in relation to group representations; Frame theory in Hilbert spaces.


Masatoshi Fujii

Osaka Kyoiku University, Japan

Operator theory; Operator inequalities.


Niels Grønbæk

University of Copenhagen, Denmark

General theory of Banach algebras; Homological and categorical methods in Banach algebra theory; Banach algebras of operators on Banach spaces; Banach algebras of harmonic analysis.


Maria Angeles Japón Pineda

Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

Geometry of Banach spaces; Metric fixed point theory.


Krzysztof Jarosz

South.Illinois Univ. Ed., USA

Uniform algebras; Function algebras and other commutative Banach algebras; Isometries and almost isometries of Banach spaces and algebras.


Maria Joiţa

University of Bucharest, Romania

Topological *-algebras; C*-algebras; Representations of topological *-algebras; Hilbert C*-modules; Hilbert modules over locally C*-algebras.


Palle E.T. Jorgensen

University of Iowa, USA

Harmonic analysis; Functional analysis; Operator theory; Operator algebras; Mathematical physics; Representation theory; Wavelets.


Il Bong Jung

Kyungpook National University, Korea

Subnormal operators; Hyponormal operators; Invariant subspaces; Dual operator algebras; Moment problems.


Fuad Kittaneh

University of Jordan, Jordan

Commutators and derivations; Hyponormal operators; Structure theory and geometry of  operator spaces; Inequalities for matrices and operators in Hilbert spaces. 


David R. Larson

Texas A&M University, USA

Operator algebras on Hilbert spaces including C*-algebras and non-selfadjoint operator algebras; Wavelet ; Frame theory; Applied harmonic analysis.


Warren B. Moors

Univ. of Auckland, New Zealand

Topological properties related to Banach spaces; differentiability of Lipschitz (and convex) functions defined on Banach spaces; Baire category type results (including those using topological games); separate and joint continuity.


Michael M. Neumann

Mississippi State University, USA

Spectral properties of operators on Banach spaces; Local spectral theory; Operators on commutative Banach algebras.


Lars-Erik Persson

Luleå University of Technology, Sweden

Inequalities; Function spaces; Functional analysis.


Zsolt Páles

University of Debrecen, Hungary

Polynomials; Rational functions; Real functions; Convexity; Inequalities; Functional equations; regularity theory; solution methods, Stability theory.


Prasanna K. Sahoo

University of Louisville, USA

Stability, separation, extension, and related topics; Equations for functions with more general domains and/or ranges; Systems of functional equations and inequalities.

Michael Skeide

Univ. degli Studi del Molise, Italy

Quantum (or noncommutative) probability: Reversible and irreversible quantum dynamics; Dilation theory; Quantum Markov semigroups; Quantum Lévy processes, Quantum stochastic calculus; Product systems of Hilbert spaces and Hilbert modules; Operator algebras.

Toshiyuki Sugawa

Tohoku University, Japan

Geometric function theory; Hardy spaces and other spaces of analytic functions; Special functions.



Armando R. Villena

Universidad de Granada, Spain

Banach algebras; Operators on Banach algebras; Automatic continuity; Abstract harmonic analysis; Groups of linear operators on Banach spaces; Representations of groups on Banach spaces.


Fuzhen Zhang

Nova Southeastern University, USA

Matrix analysis; Operator theory.






Previous Appreciated (Advisory) Editors 

Subhash J. Bhatt (2007-2008); Kenneth S. Berenhaut (2008-2010), Jacek Chmieliński (2007-2010), Krzysztof Ciesielski (2007-2010),  Haresh V. Dedania (2007-2008), José M. Isidro Gómez (2007-2009), Sergei V. Konyagin (2008-2010), Soon-Mo Jung (2007-2010), Zinaida Lykova (2007-2010), Gradimir V. Milovanović (2007-2010), Chun-Gil Park (2007-2008), Themistocles M. Rassias (2007-2010), Thomas Riedel (2007-2010), Saburou Saitoh (2007-2008), László Székelyhidi (2007-2010).