Promoters and Founders:
R. Miron (Iassy), C. Udriste (Bucharest), Gr. Tsagas (Thessaloniki)
C. Udriste (Bucharest)
I.D. Albu (Timisoara), M. Anastasiei (Iassy), D. Andrica (Cluj),
Gh. Atanasiu (Brasov), V. Balan (Bucharest), D. E. Blair (East Lansing),
B.-Y. Chen (East Lansing), J. Dorfmeister (Lawrence), A. Jannussis (Patras),
V. Obadeanu (Timisoara), Gh. Pitis (Brasov), P. Popescu (Craiova),
G. Pripoaie (Bucharest), P. C. Stavrinos (Athens), L. Tamassy (Debrecen),
Gr. Tsagas (Thessaloniki), L. Vanhecke (Leuven), E. Vassiliou (Athens)
Managing Editor for the Electronic Version of BJGA:
V. Balan (Bucharest)
Copyright © 1996—2002 Geometry Balkan Press.
Manuscripts, books and journal exchanges and correspondence shall be mailed
to: Prof. Dr. Constantin Udriste, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest,
Department of Mathematics I, Splaiul Independent?ei 313, 79590 Bucharest,
Fax: 401-312.53.65
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without obtaining the written permission of the publisher.
© 1996-2002 Geometry Balkan Press.
Sponsored by:
Politehnika University of BucharestThe Balkan Society of Geometers is an international nonprofit organization. The rule of the Society and application form will be sent to any person on request.
BJGA is an international biannual journal. BJGA covers a wide spectrum of pure and applied mathematics, ranging from the synthetic geometry to the computational geometry and applications in physics, chemistry, biology, engineering and architecture promoting especially papers presented at Balkan meetings.
The Editorial Board takes a very active role in selecting and refereeing papers, ensuring the best quality of contemporary geometry and its applications.
BJGA is abstracted in: Mathematical Reviews, Zentralblatt für Mathematik.
Two copies of the manuscript in fluent English must be submitted, each complete with all illustrations, together with one set of high-quality line drawings and/or photographs, prepared strictly with a current number of BJGA as a model in matter of form. Submission is a representation that the manuscript has not been published previously nor currently submitted for publication elsewhere. All submissions are assesses by two independent referees.
On the first page of the manuscript, the author should provide the title, name, abstract, subject classification, and key words. The affiliation, and complete address (including e-mail or fax) will be written at the end of the paper.
Upon acceptance of an article, the authors, will be requested to supply a final copy prepared in Latex, on 3,5" DOS diskettes or via E-mail. If electronic copy is supplied, publication will be accelerated.
The Balkan Society of Geometers (BSG) has been established in order to create better relationships between geometers from Balkan Countries and to improve the research in Geometry and Its Applications all over the World. For this reason the BSG will publish the review Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications (BJGA), reports, books and monographs, by its own publishing house Geometry Balkan Press.
Up to now the Society has been officially registered in Romania, having branches in Romania, Greece, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia. In the near future we will try to organize branches in Albania and Turkey.
BJGA wellcomes all theoretical and computational advances in geometry and its applications. The contributions will be original research papers proving the relevance of geometry and should be prepared in accordance with the Instructions to Authors.
Copyright © 1996–2004 Geometry Balkan Press.
© 1996–2005 ELibM and FIZ Karlsruhe / Zentralblatt MATH for the EMIS Electronic Edition. Last modified 6 Jul 2005.