Boletín AMVInformation for Authors |
The Boletín de la Asociación
Matemática Venezolana (Bulletin of the Venezuelan
Mathematical Association) is address to a broad mathematical
audience that includes researchers, teachers and students at
all collegiate levels, and also to any mathematics
professional wherever in the labour world. We welcome papers
containing original research in any area of mathematics;
expository papers on any topic of mathematics, its history
or philosophy, or education. All contributions will be carefully refereed. The Boletín publishes information on any relevant mathematical event, national or international, and also book reviews. We appreciate receiving this type of information with plenty of time in advance. All material to be published is carefully revised by the editors. Nonetheless, the content of all signed contributions is of the exclusive responsability of the author. All contributions should be sent to the Editor, preferably by email (via bol-amv@ma.usb.ve) in postscript, pdf, or any standard self-contained TeX file. Submissions in printed form should be sent in triplicate with figures and symbols carefully drawn to our Postal Address. For the preparation of the final manuscript we recommend and appreciate the use of the file bamv-demo.tex together with the appropriate LaTeX style file of the Boletín (bamv-esp.cls for papers in Spanish, bamv-ing.cls for papers in other language). The file bamv-demo.tex is self-explicit. For further information write to bol-amv@ma.usb.ve (WARNING:The correct way of downloading the files bamv-esp.cls and bamv-ing.cls, is to first click on their names; Netscape presents the contents of the file and then you should go to the menu and choose File and there choose Save As... This produces a window for making the transfer of the file where by default the type is Source - if it is not then choose Source or Text - and then click on OK.)