The journal publishes refereed papers from any field in mathematics. Manuscripts dealing with topics from informatics are also considered. Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been published elsewhere. The journal appears in 1 volume per annum in electronic form only (the former paperback edition was founded in 1977). Access is free. To print or copy unmodified files of the journal is allowed without any permission.
The master copies of the files of this Journal are maintained at the Comenius University, Inst. of Applied Math., Bratislava.
The free access to the electronic version of this journal is based on
the distribution of its print version. The print version is available from
Library of Faculty of Mathematics and Physics,
Comenius University, at a rate of $ 95 annually or for exchange. Users
of the electronic version are urged to subscribe to the print version.
The master copies of the files of this Journal are maintained at the University of Alba Iulia, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Alba Iulia, Romania.
The journal has been published since 2001 at the frequency of two volumes per year. A print version is available for subscription.
The EMIS version is mirrored from the journal homepage.
The journal has been published from 2009 at the frequency of two issues per year. A print version is available for subscription.
Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius was founded by Mirela Stefanescu and Silviu Sburlan in 1993 and is devoted to pure and applied mathematics. It is published by Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Ovidius University, Constanta, Romania.
The EMIS electronic edition is mirrored from the journal's homepage
The readers of the electronic version are encouraged to subscribe to the printed version which is available from Bookstore Tiedekirja, Kirkkokatu 14, FIN-00170 Helsinki, Finland, at a rate of US$ 80 annually.
[Prior to Vol. 21 (1996), the journal's title was Annales Academiæ Scientiarum Fennicæ Series A. I. Mathematica.]
[Prior to Vol. 32 (2005), the journal's title was Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Agriensis, Sectio Mathematicae.]
The Annals of Functional Analysis (AFA) is an international electronic journal publishing research papers of high standards and critical survey articles mainly on Functional Analysis (MSC 46) and Operator Theory (MSC 47), including: topological linear spaces and related structures, normed linear spaces and Banach spaces, Banach lattices, inner product spaces and their generalizations, Hilbert spaces, linear function spaces and their duals, distributions, generalized functions, distribution spaces, measures, integration, derivative, holomorphy, topological algebras, normed rings and algebras, Banach algebras, commutative Banach algebras and commutative topological algebras, topological (rings and) algebras with an involution, selfadjoint operator algebras (C*-algebras, von Neumann (W*-) algebras), methods of category theory in functional analysis, general theory of linear operators, special classes of linear operators, individual linear operators as elements of algebraic systems, groups and semigroups of linear operators, their generalizations and applications, ordinary differential operators, partial differential operators, integral, integro-differential, and pseudodifferential operators, nonlinear operators and their properties, equations and inequalities involving nonlinear operators, linear spaces and algebras of operators.
Applied Mathematics Electronic Notes |
The Applied Mathematics E-Notes is a fully-refereed electronic journal that welcomes short original research articles that report interesting and potentially important ideas. Review articles are also welcomed if they provide important referencing materials. Access to the journal is free. It is available in electronic form only. |
The mathematical journal Archivum Mathematicum was founded in 1965. It publishes research articles in all areas of mathematics, preferably in English language.
The free access to the electronic version of this journal is based on the distribution of its print version. The print version is available from the editorial office at a rate of $ 120 (individuals: $ 60) annually or for exchange. Users of the electronic version are urged to subscribe to the print version.
BJGA is an international biannual journal. BJGA covers a wide spectrum of pure and applied mathematics, ranging from the synthetic geometry to the computational geometry and applications in physics, chemistry, biology, engineering and architecture promoting especially papers presented at Balkan meetings.
Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis (BJMA) is an international
and peer-reviewed electronic journal presenting the papers on
functional analysis and its applications.
The journal focuses on (but is not limited to) Hilbert spaces, normed spaces,
normed algebras, C*-algebras and von Neumann algebras, normed modules,
linear operators, operator algebras, topological algebras, operator spaces,
matrix analysis, normed aspects of functional equations, stability of
functional equations, approximation theory, norm and operator inequalities,
homology of Banach algebras, harmonic analysis, Fourier analysis,
spectral theory, non-commutative geometry, and significant applications.
The journal is composed of original research and survey articles, but
also welcomes the submission of open problems and short notes.
The mathematical journal Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry was founded in 1971 on the occasion of the 65th birthday of O.-H. Keller. It publishes research articles in the areas of algebra, geometry, algebraic geometry and related fields, preferably in English language.
The free access to the electronic version of this journal is based on the distribution of its print version. The print version is available from Heldermann Verlag, Lemgo at a rate of EUR 120 annually. Users of the electronic version are urged to subscribe to the print version.
The Boletín de la Asociación Matemática Venezolana / Bulletin of the Venezuelan Mathematical Association is the mathematical journal of the Asociación Matemática Venezolana (AMV). The journal was founded in 1994. It was edited by José Ramón Ortiz (1994 -1996) and Joaquín Ortega (1997 - 1999). The current editor is Argimiro Arratia.
The print version is distributed freely to all members of the Venezuelan Mathematical Association. It can be obtained by individual subscription by writing to either of our postal or electronic addresses or in person at any of the regional chapters of the Association.
BEIO (Boletín de Estadística e Investigación Operativa) is published quarterly and strives to publish articles of general interest on statistics and operations research. Articles should address topics that are important for a broad group of statisticians and operations researchers, and ordinarily not be highly technical. The journal is organized into the following sections: Statistics, Operations Research, Government Statistics and History and Teaching.
Papers can be written in English and Spanish, but preferably in English. All submitted papers are peer-reviewed before publication.
Access online to this journal is free. The print version is available from SEIO (Spanish Statistical and Operations Research Society) at a rate of 20€ per year (3 issues).
The Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin is the mathematical journal of the Belgian Mathematical Society (BMS). It publishes expository papers and research articles in all areas of mathematics, in the English, Dutch, German and French languages.
The Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society publishes (a) original research articles, (b) expository survey articles, (c) abstracts of theses, and (d) book reviews in all branches of mathematics. It is published jointly by the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society and Universiti Sains Malaysia in one volume of three issues per year.
Bulletin, Classe des Sciences Mathématiques et Naturelles, Sciences mathématiques is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU).
The Bulletin appears once per annum and covers all branches of mathematics. The printed version is available from the publisher by subscription or for exchange.
Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (BMATHAA) is a peer-reviewed, electronic-only, free access journal that has commenced publication in 2009. It publishes original papers in English, with a focus on functional analysis, abstract methods of mathematical analysis, and applied mathematical analysis.
The Bulletin appears twice per annum. Its publiation is supported by the Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences of the University of Prishtina and the Kosovar Mathematical Society. The EMIS version is mirrored from the journal's homepage at
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae is published by the Mathematical Institute of Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. It contains important short research articles, covering the whole of pure and applied mathematics.
This is the mathematical journal of the Department of Mathematics of Universidad del Zulia (Venezuela).
Divulgaciones Matemáticas publishes refereed papers in all branches of mathematics, its applications, history and teaching. The accepted languages are English and Spanish. Submission of a paper implies that the work is neither published nor being considered for publication elsewhere. The journal appears twice a year, in june and december. The printed version is available by subscription or for exchange. The electronic version is free, but it is available six months after the printed version.
WWW Addresses: Bielefeld (Germany), Urbana (USA)
This journal is open to all mathematical fields and is refereed in the traditional manner.
A print version is available.
Electronic Communications in Probability (ECP) publishes short notes, survey articles, and research announcements in probability theory. Its sister journal, the Electronic Journal of Probability (EJP), publishes full-sized articles in probability theory.
Both ECP and EJP are affiliated with the Institute of Mathematical Statistics.
The Electronic Journal of the Argentine Society for Informatics and Operations Research (SADIO) arose from the decision of establishing a scientific information service on the disciplines that it represents: Computer Science, Information Technology and Operations Research.
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics is a refereed all-electronic journal that publishes papers in all branches of discrete mathematics, including all kinds of combinatorics, graph theory, discrete algorithms, etc.
The master copies of the files of this Journal are maintained at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, PA, USA.
The Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) is a strictly electronic publication dealing with all aspects of differential equations (o.d.e.'s, p.d.e.'s, integral equations, functional differential equations, etc.), and their applications. The master copy of this journal is maintained at Texas State University - San Marcos, TX, USA.
The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, a publication of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS), is a refereed all-electronic journal that welcomes mathematical articles of high standards that contribute new information and new insights to matrix analysis and the various aspects of linear algebra and its applications.
The EMIS edition is mirrored from the ELA homepage.
Electronic Journal of Probability publishes papers in all areas of probability. The official starting date for the journal is September 1, 1995. The master copies of the files of this Journal are maintained at the University of Washington Mathematics Department, Seattle, WA, USA.
The Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (EJQTDE) is dedicated to publishing high quality papers on the qualitative theory of differential equations. All topics related to the qualitative theory (stability, periodicity, boundedness, etc.) of differential equations (ODE's, PDE's, integral equations, functional differential equations, etc.) and their applications will be considered for publication. The master copies of the files of this Journal are maintained at the Bolyai Institute, Jozsef Attila University of Szeged, Hungary.
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA) is an electronic journal for the publication of significant new and important developments in numerical analysis and scientific computing. The master copies of the files of this Journal are maintained at Kent State University, Dept. Math. & Comput. Sci., Kent, OH, USA.
Ensaios Matemáticos is published by the Brazilian Mathematical Society (SBM) as a vehicle for authoritative review and state-of-the-art papers and surveys of areas of mathematics in vigorous development. It particularly encourages works written with a broad and varied readership in mind, offering an accessible overview of current topics in mathematics.
Two volumes are published per year. Each issue is dedicated to a specific topic, containing one or two articles. The series is distributed by SBM, and is accessible electronically from the master site or the EMIS mirror system. The Brazilian Mathematica1 Society invites authors to submit papers for inclusion in the series by sending their work electronically (as a TEX file) to the editor-in-chief. Papers can be written in English, French, or Portuguese, preferably in English.
Experimental Mathematics is an international, fully refereed quarterly devoted to experimental aspects of mathematical research. It publishes formal results inspired by experimentation, conjectures suggested by experiments, surveys of areas of mathematics from the experimental point of view, and descriptions of algorithms and software for mathematical exploration.
Users of the electronic version are urged to subscribe to the print version which is published by A. K. Peters. For subscription rates, see the subscription page.
Founded in 1995, Fundamentalnaya i Prikladnaya Matematika (Fundamental and Applied Mathematics) is a Russian-language journal which publishes original surveys, research papers, and short communications from all areas of fundamental and applied mathematics, as well as papers concerning mathematical enlightenment and information about mathematical activities. All papers are thoroughly refereed. The journal is addressed to researchers, professors, and students.
The journal is published by the Center of New Information Technologies, Moscow State University and the Publishing house "Open Systems".
General Mathematics has been published since 1993 by the Department of Mathematics of the University of Sibiu (Romania) and is devoted to original research in pure and applied mathematics.
One volume of the journal, comprising four issues, is published each year. Submissions are to be directed at the Editorial Board.
The EMIS Electronic Library provides a mirror of Hindawi Publishing Corporation's collection of Open Access Journals in the subject area of mathematics.
The journals covered are:
The International Journal of Open Problems in Computer Science and Mathematics is a peer-reviewed journal, published four times a year, that publishes articles which contribute new open problems in all areas of computer science and mathematics. This is a broad-based journal covering all branches of Computer Science and Mathematics.
The journal is published online in four issues per year and each annual volume of four issues is also available as printed edition.
INTEGERS Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory |
INTEGERS - Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory is a refereed electronic journal devoted to research in the area of combinatorial number theory. It is published with the help of the State University of West Georgia, Charles University, and DIMATIA. Subscriptions to INTEGERS are free. The journal welcomes original research articles in combinatorics and number theory, with a preference for those that have a connection to both fields. Topics covered by the journal include additive number theory, multiplicative number theory, sequences and sets, extremal combinatorics, Ramsey theory, elementary number theory, classical combinatorial problems, hypergraphs, and probabilistic number theory. The principal subject areas, according to the MSC classification scheme are 05A, 05C55, 05C65, 05D, 11A, 11B, 11K, 11N, 11P, 11Y, and 91A46. Access to the journal is free. It is available in electronic form only. |
Journal of Applied Analysis is an international mathematical journal devoted to mathematical analysis and its applications to physics, mechanics, economics, computer sciences and engineering. Topics include: mathematical analysis (real and complex, harmonic, convex, variational), differential equations, dynamic systems, optimization (linear, nonlinear, convex, nonsmooth, multicriteria), optimal control, stochastic modelling and probability theory, numerical methods. Also welcome are works showing connections between mathematical analysis and other domains of mathematics (geometry, topology, logic and set theory).
The free access to the electronic version of this journal is based on the distribution of its print version. The print version is available from Heldermann Verlag, Lemgo. Users of the electronic version are urged to subscribe to the print version.
Journal of Convex Analysis The concern of this international mathematical journal is to disseminate theoretical knowledge in the field of Convex Analysis and, at the same time, cultivate and extend its applications. In this sense it publishes research articles touching the areas of Calculus of Variations, Control Theory, Measure Theory, Functional Analysis, Differential Equations, Integral Equations, Optimization and Mathematical Programming. Of particular interest are topics related to nonsmooth analysis, generalized differentiability, and set-valued functions.
The free access to the electronic version of this journal is based on the distribution of its print version. The print version is available from Heldermann Verlag, Lemgo at a rate of EUR 200 (plus shipment charges) annually. Users of the electronic version are urged to subscribe to the print version.
The Electronic Journal for History of Probability and Statistics has a double vocation. It publishes original papers on history of both domains and also older documents of exceptional interest, and make them available as downloadable files. This can be done freely by anyone interested without previous registration or subscription. There is generally two numbers of the journal each year. Some of them may be centered on a precise topic. The journal has an international Editorial Board. Each paper is submitted to referees chosen by the Editorial Board.
The major aim of an electronic journal is a quick publication. Papers concerning historical works in progress are therefore especially welcome. The authors are free to make further developments for ulterior publication.
The journal main languages are French and English. French and English abstracts are required. A paper in any other European language may be considered for publication, provided it is preceded by French and English detailed abstracts.
Journal for Geometry and Graphics The concern of this international scientific journal is to stimulate scientific research and teaching methodology in the field of graphics and graphics-related geometry by the dissemination of new results. The published papers are ordered into three groups: Theoretical Graphics, Applications, Graphics Education.
The free access to the electronic version of this journal is based on the distribution of its print version. The print version is available from Heldermann Verlag, Lemgo. Users of the electronic version are urged to subscribe to the print version.
The Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications (JGAA) is a purely electronic journal. JGAA is supported by a distinguished advisory and editorial board, has high scientific standards and takes advantage of current electronic document technology.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to: Design and analysis of graph algorithms; Experiences with graph algorithms; Applications of graph algorithms.
The master copies of the files of this Journal are maintained at Brown University, Department of Computer Science, Providence, RI (USA).
The Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures (JHRS) is a fully refereed international journal dealing with homotopy and related structures of mathematical and physical sciences.
The journal publishes articles on: homotopy in the broad sense, homological and homotopical algebra, K-theory, topology of manifolds, geometric and categorical structures, homology theories, topological groups and algebras, stable homotopy theory, group actions, algebraic varieties, category theory, cobordism theory, controlled topology, noncommutative geometry, motivic cohomology.
The journal appears in electronic form. Access is free.
The Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics (JIPAM) is a new peer-reviewed international journal in the theory of mathematical inequalities and their applications. The journal was established by the VUT members of the Research Group in Mathematical Inequalities and Applications (RGMIA). JIPAM is an electronic publication of the School of Communications and Informatics, Victoria University of Technology (VUT).
Publication will occur twice yearly in March and October. To encourage submission of manuscripts of the highest quality, JIPAM will offer an annual prize to the best article.
The journal home page is maintained by the JIPAM Managerial Board at VUT.
The journal appears in electronic form. Access is free.
The Journal of Integer Sequences is a freely available electronic journal devoted to papers dealing with integer sequences and related topics. Preference is given to papers that are connected with sequences that have appeared (or will appear) in the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. The preferred language is html. All papers are refereed.
The free access to the electronic version of this journal is based on the distribution of its print version. The print version and the three most recent volumes are available from the publisher's website.
The Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux publishes original papers on Number Theory and related topics (not published elsewhere). Papers are submitted to a referee.
The print version is available from Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, Université Bordeaux 1, 351 cours de la Libération, F-33405 Talence Cedex, at € 150 annually.
Published by the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Living Reviews in Relativity is a solely WWW-based, peer reviewed journal offering reviews of research in all areas of relativity. Articles are solicited from specialists in their fields and updated by their authors as new developments arise. The journal is offered as a free service to the scientific community.
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics The intention of this purely electronic journal is to publish papers in Mathematics that are of the highest possible quality. Research papers and review articles are selected through a normal refereeing process, overseen by an editorial board.
Access to this journal is free. The master posting of Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics is held by Kazan State University.
Matematicki Vesnik is a research journal published since 1949 by the Mathematical Society of Serbia - FR Yugoslavia. The journal publishes original papers in mathematical sciences and, in general, is published quarterly.
The free access to the electronic version of this journal is based on the distribution of its print version. The print version is available from Mathematical Society of Serbia at a rate of $ 40 per year (4 issues). Users of the electronic version are urged to subscribe to the print version.
Mathematica Bohemica was founded by the Union of Czech Mathematicians in 1872 as Casopis pro pestovani mathematiky a fysiky (Casopis pro pestovani matematiky from 1951 to 1990). It publishes research articles in all areas of pure mathematics, preferably in English language.
The free access to the electronic version of this journal is based on the distribution of its print version. The print version is available from MYRIS TRADE, s.r.o. Users of the electronic version are urged to subscribe to the print version.
Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal The intention of the journal is to publish papers in Mathematical Physics and related areas that are of the highest possible quality. Research papers and review articles are selected through a normal refereeing process, overseen by an editorial board. The research subjects will be primarily on Mathematical Physics; but this should not be interpreted as a limitation, as the editors feel that essentially all subjects of Mathematics and Physics are in principle relevant to Mathematical Physics.
The Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy publishes original research in pure and applied mathematics. Exceptionally, survey articles of topics of current research interest are also published. All papers are refereed and only papers of high quality are accepted. Submissions are particularly welcome from those whose work is related to that of Irish mathematicians or to work of members of the Editorial Board.
One volume of the journal, comprising two issues, is published each year. Manuscripts submitted for publication may be sent to a member of the Editorial Board or to the Academy's Editorial Office.
Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics is an international journal for the publication of high-quality, peer-reviewed original papers with full proofs in ordinary and partial differential equations and their applications. Periodically, short communications are published containing the main results of talks reported on the Tbilisi Seminar of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations. The journal is issued three times a year as of 1994.
Subscription inquiries and subscription orders should be addressed to the editorial office.
NYJM is the first electronic general mathematics journal. Papers are refereed in the traditional manner, under the direction of our distinguished editorial board. Articles should be submitted directly to the editor of your choice. We offer rapid publication of high quality articles.
Our papers are presented in a variety of formats, including pdf with extensive internal cross-reference links for ease of electronic browsing, as well as external links from the bibliographic entries to the reviews in MathSciNet and Zentralblatt. We also offer full text indexing, listserv lists for announcement of new papers, links to reviews and related works, and archives of supporting materials.
Nexus Network Journal is a peer-reviewed online research resource for studies in architecture and mathematics. It is published by Kim Williams, director of the conference series "Nexus: Relationships Between Architecture and Mathematics".
Nexus Network Journal appears four times a year on the Internet, and once a year in print. Its goal is to present the broadest possible consideration of all aspects of the relationships between architecture and mathematics. Access to the electronic version is free. The print journal can be ordered through the Nexus Network Journal Bookshop.
Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics (formerly: Review of Research, Faculty of Science, Mathematics Series) publishes original research papers from all fields of pure and applied mathematics.
Access to the EMIS Electronic edition of this journal is free. The print version is available for subscription or exchange from the editorial secretariat.
Probability Surveys publishes survey articles in theoretical and applied probability. The style of articles may range from reviews of recent research to graduate textbook exposition. Articles may be broad or narrow in scope. The essential requirements are a well specified topic and target audience, together with clear exposition.
Probability Surveys is sponsored by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and by the Bernoulli Society.
Publications de l'Institut Mathématique is a research journal published by Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences since 1947. It is the oldest mathematical journal in Yugoslavia.
The Rendiconti is the official journal of the Seminario Matematico at the Università e Politecnico di Torino. It publishes papers and invited lectures. Papers should provide original research contributions. Surveys and invited lectures should have a tutorial or overview character. The Rendiconti is being published since 1929/1930 in volumes of 4 issues per year. One or more issues may be devoted to special topics. As for the electronic version, fulltexts are presently available from Vol. 56, No. 4 (1998) onwards. Access to the electronic version is restricted to subscribers for the most recent issues, within a moving wall of two years. The EMIS pages of this journal are mirrored from the journal's homepage. |
The Revista Colombiana de Estadística (Colombian Journal of Statistics) is a biannual publication from the Department of Statistics at Universidad Nacional de Colombia, intended to spread knowledge, results, applications and history of Statistics.
The journal was founded in 1968. The scope includes mathematical statistics, applied statistics, statistical methods, history of the statistics, and teaching of statistics.
The free access to the electronic version of this journal is based on the distribution of its print version. The print version is available from the editorial office at a rate of US$ 56 (individuals: US$ 27) annually or for exchange. Users of the electronic version are urged to subscribe to the print version. Back issues available starting 1967.
Séminaires & Congrès is published intermittently and in electronic form by the Société Mathématique de France (SMF). Access to the journal is provided free of charge to all users. A printed version of each volume is also published by the SMF.
The Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire has existed for fifteen years as a joint seminar in Combinatorics for the Universities of Bayreuth, Erlangen and Strasbourg, as well as the other Universities along the lotharingian boundaries. Regular meetings will continue in the same spirit, but it has been decided that the Seminar will now host a new international electronic journal carrying the same name.
Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports was founded in 2004 by the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics. It is registered with the Ministry of Mass Media, Television, Radio, and Communications of the Russian Federation. The Journal aims at the quick electronic publications of scientific papers in all branches of mathematics, surveys, short communications, papers on mathematical life, and book surveys
The journal is available in electronic form only and there appears one volume per year.The EMIS edition is mirrored from the SEMR homepage.
Sibirskij Matematicheskij Zhurnal has been published jointly by the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics and the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1960.
The journal publishes peer-reviewed original research articles in the Russian language from any field in mathematics. The journal appears in one volume consisting of six issues per annum. Access to the EMIS Electronic edition of the journal is free. The print version is available for subscription from MK-Periodica or Rospechat. For more detail, refer to the official journal's homepage.
The journal is translated into English from cover to cover and the English edition is available from Kluwer Academic Publishers under the title Siberian Mathematical Journal.
Surveys in Approximation Theory (SAT) is a solely WWW-based collection of surveys in the area of approximation theory. These surveys are offered as a free service to the scientific community. Survey articles will be regularly solicited. These surveys are directed at the graduate student level and beyond. SAT is not meant as a first-publication journal, nor a collection of electronic monographs or textbooks. Instead, these survey articles are meant to review a topic while citing, explaining and assessing the most relevant, important and interesting aspects of the topic. SAT will be organized into yearly volumes. Articles appear as they are ready. All articles will be peer reviewed (refereed).
Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications (SMA) is a free electronic journal. It is open to all mathematical fields (including statistics, mathematical applications to computer science, economics, physics or engineering). All submitted papers are peer-reviewed before publication.
SMA is published by the University Constantin Brâncuşi of Târgu-Jiu and mirrored in EMIS from the journal's homepage.
Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA) is a fully referreed online journal dedicated to the rapid publication of papers in the following areas:
The Journal of Nonlinear Science and its Applications has been established in 2008 and is an international research journal of rapid publication devoted to the publication of significant articles in all areas and sub-areas of nonlinear analysis and their applications.
Theory and Applications of Categories is the all-electronic, refereed journal on Category Theory, categorical methods and their applications in the mathematical sciences. The master copies of the files of this Journal are maintained at Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada.
This is the mirrored electronic version of the journals Bulletin of TICMI and Lecture Notes of TICMI, published by Tbilisi International Centre of Mathematics and Informatics (TICMI).
Bulletin of TICMI reports on the activities of TICMI and contains abstracts (with clear formulation of results) of original papers as well as peer-reviewed original papers (with full proof) presented at international forums organized by TICMI.
Lecture Notes of TICMI contains the pear-reviewed texts of courses given at Advance Courses organized by TICMI.
The free access to the electronic versions of both journals is based on the distribution of their print versions, which are available from the Library of I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics of Tbilisi State University, at a rate of US$ 20 (Bulletin), respectively US$ 40 (Lecture Notes) annually or for exchange.
Universitatis Iagellonicae Acta Mathematica
This is the electronic edition of Universitatis Iagellonicae Acta Mathematica, the mathematics journal from Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland. The journal publishes significant research articles in both pure and applied mathematics.
Subscription information on the print version, as well as electronic versions of older articles not covered in EMIS, are available from the journal's homepage at
Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal
This is the Russian-language journal of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Informatics at the Vladikavkaz Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The journals is mirrored from its homepage at
Zapiski Nauchnyh Seminarov POMI
This is the Russian-language journal mirrored from its homepage at the Petersburg Department of Institute of Mathematics. The English translation is published as Journal of Mathematical Sciences by Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
The concern of this international mathematical journal is to disseminate theoretical knowledge in the field of analysis and, at the same time, cultivate and extend its applications. In this sense, it publishes research articles in the areas of functional analysis, theory of functions, differential equations, mathematical physics, differential geometry, measure theory, and analytical aspects of the theory of optimization.
The free access to the electronic version of this journal is based on the distribution of its print version. The print version is available from Heldermann Verlag, Lemgo. Users of the electronic version are urged to subscribe to the print version.
Boletin de la Sociedad Matematica Mexicana
Contributions to Discrete Mathematics
Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications
The following lists those journals whose publication has been discontinued or whose electronic offerings are not maintained in EMIS anymore. Due to the permanence principle of the EMIS ELibM, those parts of the publication which have been carried in the EMIS mirror system, are being kept available indefinitely. The links provided here point to the EMIS pages of that journal. These pages are to be considered archival. Where applicable and possible, links to the current electronic offerings are also indicated.
Advances in Geometry is a peer-reviewed mathematical journal for the publication of original research articles of excellent quality in the broad area of geometry.
The journal continues to be available from De Gruyter.
The EMIS holdings comprise Vols. 1–4 (2001–2004).
Algebra Montpellier
Annonces de Montpellier en
This electronic journal, based at the Mathematics Department of the University of Montpellier 2 (France), appeared from 1999 to 2005, devoted to high quality and fully refereed short research announcements containing new results in noncommutative algebra. The Electronic Library of Mathematics holds the master posting.
The EMIS holdings cover all issues that have been published during the lifetime of this journal (1999–2005).
Algebraic & Geometric Topology
AGT is a fully refereed international journal covering all of topology, understood broadly. AGT is published in electronic format by Geometry and Topology Publications, with papers appearing a few days after acceptance.
The journal continues to be available from Geometry and Topology Publications.
The EMIS holdings comprise Vols. 1–6 (2001–2006).
The Annals of Mathematics was founded in 1884 by Ormond Stone of the University of Virginia, the journal was transferred in 1899 to Harvard University, and in 1911 to Princeton University. Since 1933, the Annals has been edited jointly by Princeton University and The Institute for Advanced Study.
The journal continues to be available from The Johns Hopkins University Press.
The EMIS holdings comprise Vol. 148, No. 3 – Vol. 153, No. 1 (1998–2001).
Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics
The journal continues to be available from
The EMIS holdings comprise Vols. 1–2 (2001–2002).
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science
The journal continues to be available from
The EMIS holdings comprise Vols. 1–8 (1997–2006).
Electronic Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences (EJMAPS)
The journal has ceased publication.
The EMIS holdings comprise the sole issue (August 2002) which was published.
Electronic Research Announcements of the American
Mathematical Society
Electronic Research Announcements was the American Mathematical Society's first electronic-only journal, devoted to high quality research announcements of significant advances in all branches of mathematics. The master copies of the files of this Journal are archived by the American Mathematical Society.
The journal has been superceded by the journal Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences which is available from AIMS, along with back volumes of this publication.
The EMIS holdings comprise Vols. 1–10 (1995–2004) in their entirety as well as a part of Vol. 11 (2005).
Geometry & Topology is a fully refereed international journal dealing with all aspects of geometry and topology and their applications. Geometry & Topology is published in free electronic format by Geometry and Topology Publications. A printed version is published in partnership with International Press.
The journal continues to be available from Geometry and Topology Publications.
The EMIS holdings comprise Vols. 1–10 (1997–2006).
The Georgian Mathematical Journal (GMJ) was founded by the Georgian Academy of Sciences in 1994
The journal continues to be available from de Gruyter's ReferenceGlobal website.
The EMIS holdings comprise Vols. 1–13 (1994–2006).
Homology, Homotopy and Applications
The journal continues to be available from International Press.
The EMIS holdings comprise Vols. 1–7 (1999–2005).
The print version continues to be available from the editorial office.
The EMIS holdings comprise Vol. 7 (1996).
Portugaliae Mathematica
Edited by the
Portuguese Mathematical Society,
Portugaliae Mathematica has been publishing original
high level research papers in all domains of Mathematics since 1937.
The most recent volumes are available from the EMS-PH website. The EMIS holdings comprise Vols. 51–63 (1994–2006).
The Southwest Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics is an electronic journal devoted to the study of pure and applied mathematics and related topics. Its publication has been suspended from 2004.
The EMIS holdings comprise in their entirety all volumes of this journal which were published.
ZDM — Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik
Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik (ZDM) is one of the oldest mathematics education research journals. From 2007, the journal has been succeeded by ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education which is available from Springer-Verlag.
The EMIS holdings comprise Vols. 29–38 (1997–2006).
Last modified 1 Sep 2010 © 1997–2010 FIZ Karlsruhe / Zentralblatt MATH