Zentralblatt MATH

Publications of (and about) Paul Erdös

Zbl.No:  805.11012
Autor:  Erdös, Paul; Joó, I.
Title:  On the number of expansions 1 = sum q-ni. II. (In English)
Source:  Ann. Univ. Sci. Budap. Rolando Eötvös, Sect. Math. 36, 229-233 (1993).
Review:  Continuing some earlier investigations concerning expansions of 1 in basis q, with 1 < q < 2, of the form 1 = sumooi = 1 \epsiloni q-1, where the digits \epsiloni can be 0 or 1 (see the review above), the authors prove now the following theorem. There are 2\aleph0 many values q for which 1 has precisely \aleph0 many expansions in basis q.
Reviewer:  L.Tóth (Cluj)
Classif.:  * 11A67 Representation systems for integers and rationals
Keywords:  expansions in non-integer bases
Citations:  Zbl.805.11011

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