Zentralblatt MATH

Publications of (and about) Paul Erdös

Zbl.No:  648.90054
Autor:  Aharoni, R.; Erdös, Paul; Linial, N.
Title:  Optima of dual integer linear programs. (In English)
Source:  Combinatorica 8, No.1, 13-20 (1988).
Review:  Let A be a 0-1 matrix of dimension n· m. Consider the following pair of linear programs

(L)  max x· 1,  Ax \leq 1,  x \geq 0;   (D)  max y· 1,  yA \geq 1,  y \geq 0.

If integral solution constraints are added, they become dual pairs of packing and covering integer linear programs. Let z and Z be the integral optimum of (L) and (D), and q the common rational optimum of (L) and (D). The main results are that a tight inequality relating z and q, and a best possible bound between z and Z can be found in the following form:

z \geq \frac{q2}{n-(f-1)q2/m} \geq q2/n,

Z \leq max(n,3g) if m > e(nz) ½,
m if m < e(nz) ½,
where f is the least column sum of A, and g(nz ln(m/(nz) ½) ½. At end of the paper the autor suggest further interesting directions for research.
Reviewer:  Z.Liu
Classif.:  * 90C10 Integer programming
                   90C27 Combinatorial programming
                   05C70 Factorization, etc.
                   90C05 Linear programming
Keywords:  pair of linear programs; packing; covering integer linear programs

© European Mathematical Society & FIZ Karlsruhe & Springer-Verlag

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