Zentralblatt MATH

Publications of (and about) Paul Erdös

Zbl.No:  539.05001
Autor:  Erdös, Paul
Title:  On some of my conjectures in number theory and combinatorics. (In English)
Source:  Combinatorics, graph theory and computing, Proc. 14th Southeast. Conf., Boca Raton/Flo. 1983, Congr. Numerantium 39, 3-19 (1983).
Review:  [For the entire collection see Zbl 523.00001.]
A typical Erdös report on some of his and not only his problems where a significant progress has been made in the last time. To be more precise, the paper is divided in three sections. The first of them is centered about divisors of numbers, the second one deals with combinatorics (jumping constant conjecture, extremal problems with forbidden or allowed subgraphs, Ramsey-Turán type problems, etc.). The paper ends with a discussion on a geometric problem and some unconventional number theoretical problems on representations of numbers in a rather special form.
Reviewer:  S.Porubsky
Classif.:  * 05-02 Research monographs (combinatorics)
                   05C55 Generalized Ramsey theory
                   11-02 Research monographs (number theory)
                   11B99 Sequences and sets
                   05C35 Extremal problems (graph theory)
Keywords:  Egyptian fractions; density of graphs; forbidden graphs; Ramsey-Turán problems; divisors of numbers
Citations:  Zbl 523.00001

© European Mathematical Society & FIZ Karlsruhe & Springer-Verlag

Books Problems Set Theory Combinatorics Extremal Probl/Ramsey Th.
Graph Theory Add.Number Theory Mult.Number Theory Analysis Geometry
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