Zentralblatt MATH

Publications of (and about) Paul Erdös

Zbl.No:  374.90086
Autor:  Chvatal, V.; Erdös, Paul
Title:  Biased positional games. (In English)
Source:  Ann. Discrete Math. 2, 221-229 (1978).
Review:  Two players play a game on the complete graph with n vertices, Each move of the first player consists of claiming k previously unclaimed edges, each move of the second player consists of claiming one previously edge. The second player's goal is to claim all the edges of some tree on the n vertices, the first player's goal is to prevent the second from doing that. If k is sufficiently large (resp. small) with respect to n then the first (resp. second) player has a win. We prove that the breaking point comes around k = n/ log n. In addition, we consider several other games of this kind.
Classif.:  * 90D05 2-person games
                   94C10 Switching theory

© European Mathematical Society & FIZ Karlsruhe & Springer-Verlag

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