Zentralblatt MATH
Publications of (and about) Paul Erdös
Zbl.No: 352.05024
Autor: Erdös, Paul
Title: Some recent problems and results in graph theory, combinatorics and number theory. (In English)
Source: Proc. 7th southeast. Conf. Comb., Graph Theory, Comput.; Baton Rouge 1976, 3-14 (1976).
Review: [For the entire collection see Zbl 328.00003.]
The title of this paper gives a clear indication of the contents. The author discusses, in this characteristic style, a number of problems, both solved an unsolved, and conjectures in the fields of chromatic graph theory, generalized Ramsey theory, set systems and combinatorial number theory.
Reviewer: R.C.Read
Classif.: * 05-02 Research monographs (combinatorics)
05C15 Chromatic theory of graphs and maps
05B30 Other designs, configurations
05C35 Extremal problems (graph theory)
05B35 Matroids (combinatorics)
11-02 Research monographs (number theory)
00A07 Problem books
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