Zentralblatt MATH
Publications in 1997
Zbl 855.00014
Graham, Ronald L.(ed.); Nesetril, Jaroslav (ed.)
, The mathematics of Paul Erdös. Vol. II.
Algorithms and Combinatorics. 14. Berlin: Springer, (ISBN 3-540-61031-6/hbk). xvi, 577 p. DM 148.00; öS 1080.00; sFr. 130.50 (1997).
, 00B25 05-06
Zbl 857.00027
Graham, Ronald L.(ed.); Nesetril, Jaroslav (ed.)
, The mathematics of Paul Erdös. Vol. I.
Algorithms and Combinatorics. 13. Berlin: Springer. xiv, 399 p. DM 148.00; öS 1080.40; sFr. 130.50 (1997).
, 00B25 05-06
Zbl 860.01024
Grossman, Jerrold W.
, Paul Erdös: The master of collaboration.
Graham, Ronald L. (ed.) et al., The mathematics of Paul Erdös. Vol. II. Berlin: Springer, Algorithms Comb. 14, 467-475 (1997).
, 01A70 01A60
Zbl 860.01025
, List of publications of Paul Erdös.
Graham, Ronald L. (ed.) et al., The mathematics of Paul Erdös. Vol. II. Berlin: Springer, Algorithms Comb. 14, 477-573 (1997).
, 01A70 01A60
Zbl 864.01007
Bollobás, Béla
, Paul Erdös Life and work.
Graham, Ronald L. (ed.) et al., The mathematics of Paul Erdös. Vol. I. Berlin: Springer, Algorithms Comb. 13, 1-41 (1997).
, 01A70 01A60
Zbl 865.00038
Bollobás, Béla (ed.); Thomason, Andrew (ed.)
, Combinatorics, geometry and probability. A tribute to Paul Erdös. Proceedings of the conference dedicated to Paul Erdös on the occasion of his 80th birthday, Cambridge, UK, 26 March 1993.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. xxi, 562 p. \sterling 60.00; $ 100.00 (1997).
, 00B25 05-06 52-06 60-06
Zbl 865.01010
Hajnal, András
, Paul Erdös' set theory.
Graham, Ronald L. (ed.) et al., The mathematics of Paul Erdös. Vol. II. Berlin: Springer. Algorithms Comb. 14, 352-393 (1997).
[Reviewer: A.C.Lewis (Hamilton)]
, 01A60
Zbl 865.01018
Sack, Jörg-Rüdiger; Urrutia, Jorge
, Obituary: Paul Erdös (1913-1996).
Comput. Geom. 7, No.4, 205-206 (1997).
, 01A70 01A60
Zbl 865.01020
Rothschild, Bruce
, In memoriam Paul Erdös (March 26, 1913 -- September 20, 1996).
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 77, No.1, 1, Art. No.TA962770 (1997).
, 01A70 01A60
Zbl 867.01015
Smith, Cedric A.B.
, Did Erdös save western civilization?
Graham, Ronald L. (ed.) et al., The mathematics of Paul Erdös. Vol. I. Berlin: Springer, Algorithms Comb. 13, 74-85 (1997).
[Reviewer: R.Siegmund-Schultze (Berlin)]
, 01A60 01A70
Zbl 867.01023
Nesetril, Jaroslav
, Paul Erdös. -- A few memories.
Geombinatorics 6, No.3, 90-98 (1997).
, 01A70 01A60
Zbl 867.01024
Soifer, Alexander
, On the border of two years: An interview with Paul Erdös, Colorado Springs, December 24, 1991-January 9, 1992.
Geombinatorics 6, No.3, 99-110 (1997).
, 01A70 01A60
Zbl 867.01025
Zelinka, Bohdan
, Poison from Erdös.
Geombinatorics 6, No.3, 117-118 (1997).
, 01A70 01A60
Zbl 868.05009
Bergelson, Vitaly; Erdös, Paul; Hindman, Neil; Luczak, Tomasz
, Dense difference sets and their combinatorial structure.
Graham, Ronald L. (ed.) et al., The mathematics of Paul Erdös. Vol. I. Berlin: Springer, Algorithms Comb. 13, 165-175 (1997).
[Reviewer: V.D.Tonchev (Houghton)]
, 05B10
Zbl 870.00022
Teirlinck, L.(ed.)
, Paul Erdös volume.
J. Stat. Plann. Inference 58, No.1, 216 p. (1997).
, 00B15 62-06
Zbl 871.05054
Erdös, Paul
, Some recent problems and results in graph theory.
Discrete Math. 164, No.1-3, 81-85 (1997).
[Reviewer: E.J.F.Primrose (Leicester)]
, 05C99 00A07 05D99
Zbl 871.11004
Erdös, Paul
, Some of my favorite problems and results.
Graham, Ronald L. (ed.) et al., The mathematics of Paul Erdös. Vol. I. Berlin: Springer, Algorithms Comb. 13, 47-67 (1997).
[Reviewer: O.Ninnemann (Berlin)]
, 11-02 51-02 00A07 05-02 11Bxx 11Nxx
Zbl 872.01021
Bondy, J.-A.
, Paul Erdös et la combinatoire. (Paul Erdös and combinatorics.)
Gaz. Math., Soc. Math. Fr. 71, 25-30 (1997).
[Reviewer: C.Irimia (Iasi)]
, 01A70 05-03 01A60
Zbl 872.01027
Grünbaum, Branko
, Erdös vignettes.
Geombinatorics 6, No.3, 79-81 (1997).
[Reviewer: L.Harkleroad (Ithaca)]
, 01A70 01A60
Zbl 872.01028
Horák, Peter
, A variation on the Erdös-Faber-Lovász conjecture.
Geombinatorics 6, No.3, 82-84 (1997).
[Reviewer: L.Harkleroad (Ithaca)]
, 01A70
Zbl 872.01029
Soifer, Alexander
, ``And you don't even have to believe in G'd but you have to believe that the book exists".
Geombinatorics 6, No.3, 111-116 (1997).
[Reviewer: L.Harkleroad (Ithaca)]
, 01A70 01A60
Zbl 872.05020
Erdös, Paul
, Some old and new problems in various branches of combinatorics.
Discrete Math. 165-166, 227-231 (1997).
[Reviewer: S.Stahl (Lawrence)]
, 05C35 00A07 05-99 52-99 11B75 52C10
Zbl 873.01021
Katona, Gyula
, A brief biographical sketch of Paul Erdös.
J. Stat. Plann. Inference 58, No.1, 3-4 (1997).
, 01A70 01A60
Zbl 874.01009
Bollobás, Béla
, Farewell to Paul Erdös.
Bollobás, Béla (ed.) et al., Combinatorics, geometry and probability. A tribute to Paul Erdös. Proceedings of the conference dedicated to Paul Erdös on the occasion of his 80th birthday, Cambridge, UK, 26 March 1993. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. xi-xii (1997).
, 01A70 01A60
Zbl 874.11003
Erdös, Paul
, Some unsolved problems.
Bollobás, Béla (ed.) et al., Combinatorics, geometry and probability. A tribute to Paul Erdös. Proceedings of the conference dedicated to Paul Erdös on the occasion of his 80th birthday, Cambridge, UK, 26 March 1993. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1-10 (1997).
, 11-02 00A07
Zbl 874.52010
Erdös, Paul; Pach, János
, Are there many distances that occur few times?
Geombinatorics 6, No.3, 77-78 (1997).
[Reviewer: B.Kind (Bochum)]
, 52C10
Zbl 876.01046
Baumgartner, James E.
, In memoriam: Paul Erdös, 1913--1996.
Bull. Symb. Log. 3, No.1, 70-72 (1997).
, 01A70 01A60
Zbl 876.01056
Bollobás, Béla
, Toast to Paul Erdös.
Bollobás, Béla (ed.) et al., Combinatorics, geometry and probability. A tribute to Paul Erdös. Proceedings of the conference dedicated to Paul Erdös on the occasion of his 80th birthday, Cambridge, UK, 26 March 1993. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. xiii-xvi (1997).
, 01A70 01A60
Zbl 876.05050
Erdös, Paul; Hajnal, A.; Simonovits, M.; Sós, V.T.; Szemerédi, E.
, Turán-Ramsey theorems and Kp-independence numbers.
Bollobás, Béla (ed.) et al., Combinatorics, geometry and probability. A tribute to Paul Erdös. Proceedings of the conference dedicated to Paul Erdös on the occasion of his 80th birthday, Cambridge, UK, 26 March 1993. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 253-281 (1997).
, 05C35 05C55 05C15 05C50
Zbl 876.05051
Erdös, Paul; Ordman, Edward T.; Zalcstein, Yechezkel
, Clique partitions of chordal graphs.
Bollobás, Béla (ed.) et al., Combinatorics, geometry and probability. A tribute to Paul Erdös. Proceedings of the conference dedicated to Paul Erdös on the occasion of his 80th birthday, Cambridge, UK, 26 March 1993. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 291-297 (1997).
, 05C35 05C70
Zbl 876.05071
Erdös, Paul; Faudree, Ralph J.; Rousseau, C.C.; Schelp, R.H.
, Ramsey size linear graphs.
Bollobás, Béla (ed.) et al., Combinatorics, geometry and probability. A tribute to Paul Erdös. Proceedings of the conference dedicated to Paul Erdös on the occasion of his 80th birthday, Cambridge, UK, 26 March 1993. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 241-251 (1997).
, 05C55 05C35
Zbl 876.05080
Erdös, Paul; Pyber, L.
, Covering a graph by complete bipartite graphs.
Discrete Math. 170, No.1-3, 249-251 (1997).
, 05C70
Zbl 877.01030
Anellis, Irving H.
, In memoriam: Paul Erdös (1913-1996).
Mod. Log. 7, No.1, 83-84 (1997).
, 01A70 01A60
Zbl 877.11003
Stone, A.H.
, Encounters with Paul Erdös.
Graham, Ronald L. (ed.) et al., The mathematics of Paul Erdös. Vol. I. Berlin: Springer, Algorithms Comb. 13, 68-73 (1997).
[Reviewer: Le Maohua (Zhanjiang)]
, 11-03 11D61
Zbl 878.01017
Pach, János
, Two places at once: A remembrance of Paul Erdös.
Math. Intell. 19, No.2, 38-48 (1997).
[Reviewer: R.Murawski (Poznan)]
, 01A70 01A60
Zbl 878.68125
Erdös, Paul; Fishburn, Peter
, Minimum planar sets with maximum equidistance counts.
Comput. Geom. 7, No.4, 207-218 (1997).
, 68U05
Zbl 881.05044
Chen, Guantao; Erdös, Paul; Gyárfás, András; Schelp, R.H.
, A class of edge critical 4-chromatic graphs.
Graphs Comb. 13, No.2, 139-146 (1997).
[Reviewer: D.Cvetkovic (Beograd)]
, 05C15
Zbl 882.03031
Erdös, Paul; Jackson, Steve; Mauldin, R.Daniel
, On infinite partitions of lines and space.
Fundam. Math. 152, No.1, 75-95 (1997).
[Reviewer: P.Komjath (Burnaby)]
, 03E05 03E50 04A20
Zbl 884.01034
Sós, Vera T.
, Paul Erdös, 1913-1996.
Aequationes Math. 54, No.3, 205-220 (1997).
, 01A70 01A60
Zbl 884.01035
Sárközy, András
, Farewell, Paul.
Acta Arith. 81, No.4, 299-300 (1997).
, 01A70 01A60
Zbl 884.05064
Calkin, Neil J.; Erdös, Paul; Tovey, Craig A.
, New Ramsey bounds from cyclic graphs of prime order.
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 10, No.3, 381-387 (1997).
, 05C55 05D10 05C80
Zbl 884.05092
Erdös, Paul; Hajnal, A.; Pach, János
, On a metric generalization of Ramsey's theorem.
Isr. J. Math. 102, 283-295 (1997).
[Reviewer: P.L.Erdös (Budapest)]
, 05D10
Zbl 885.01023
Losonczi, László
, Paul Erdös on functional equations: Contributions and impact.
Aequationes Math. 54, No.3, 221-233 (1997).
[Reviewer: D.Laugwitz (Darmstadt)]
, 01A70 39-03
Zbl 970.17440 DE009941101
Tenenbaum, Gérald
, In memoriam Paul Erdös (1913-1996).
Gaz. Math., Soc. Math. Fr. 71, 12-25 (1997).
, 01A70 11-03 05-03
Zbl 970.34318 DE010392989
Erdös, Paul; Rosenfeld, Moshe
, The factor-difference set of integers.
Acta Arith. 79, No.4, 353-359 (1997).
, 11B75 11A51
Zbl 970.43068 DE010477271
Erdös, Paul; Makai, Endre; Pach, János
, Nearly equal distances in the plane.
Bollobás, Béla (ed.) et al., Combinatorics, geometry and probability. A tribute to Paul Erdös. Proceedings of the conference dedicated to Paul Erdös on the occasion of his 80th birthday, Cambridge, UK, 26 March 1993. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 283-290 (1997).
[Reviewer: P.Braß (Berlin)]
, 52C10 05C35 05C65
Zbl 970.56262 DE010768976
Deuber, W.A.; Erdös, Paul; Gunderson, D.S.; Kostochka, A.V.; Meyer, A.G.
, Intersection statements for systems of sets.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 79, No.1, 118-132, Art. No.TA962778 (1997).
[Reviewer: A.Vince (Gainesville)]
, 05D05
Zbl 970.64393 DE010831864
Soifer, Alexander
, In memory of Paul Erdös: Our joint problems in combinatorial geometry. III.
Geombinatorics 7, No.2, 66-70 (1997).
, 52-99
Zbl 970.67145 DE010693374
Soifer, Alexander
, In memory of Paul Erdös: Our joint problems in combinatorial geometry. II.
Geombinatorics 7, No.1, 25-28 (1997).
, 51D20
Zbl 980.02684 DE011004714
Sárközy, András
, Paul Erdös (1913-1996).
Acta Arith. 81, No.4, 301-317 (1997).
, 11-03 01A70
Zbl 980.06611 DE011101208
Erdös, Paul; Gyárfás, András; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu
, The size of the largest bipartite subgraphs.
Discrete Math. 177, No.1-3, 267-271 (1997).
, 05C35
Zbl 980.06715 DE011100158
Erdös, Paul; Fishburn, Peter
, Distinct distances in finite planar sets.
Discrete Math. 175, No.1-3, 97-132 (1997).
, 52C10
Zbl 980.10616 DE011180720
Erdös, Paul; Sarkozy, Gabor N.
, On cycles in the coprime graph of integers.
Electron. J. Comb. 4, No.2, Research paper R8, 11 p. (1997).
, 11B75 05C38
Zbl 980.14719 DE011237959
Alavi, Yousef; Erdös, Paul; Lam, Peter Che Bor; Lick, Don; Liu, Jiuqiang; Wa; ng, Jianfang
, Upper bounds on linear vertex-arboricity of complementary graphs.
Util. Math. 52, 43-48 (1997).
, 05C35
Zbl 980.15178 DE01121767X
Erdös, Paul
, Problems in number theory.
N. Z. J. Math. 26, No.2, 155-160 (1997).
, 11-02 00A07
Zbl 980.16309 DE01117719X
Erdös, Paul
, Some of my favourite unsolved problems.
Math. Jap. 46, No.3, 527-537 (1997).
, 11-02 05-02 00A07
Zbl 980.16310 DE011177180
Ádám, A.; Györy, K.; Sárközy, A.
, The life and mathematics of Paul Erdös (1913-1996).
Math. Jap. 46, No.3, 517-526 (1997).
, 01A70
Zbl 980.25144 DE011564540
Agoh, Takashi; Erdös, Paul; Granville, Andrew
, Primes at a (somewhat lengthy) glance.
Am. Math. Mon. 104, No.10, 943-945 (1997).
, 11P32
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