Zentralblatt MATH
Publications in 1990
Zbl 691.52001
Soifer, Alexander
, How does one cut a triangle? With 80 illustr. and introductions by Philip L. Engel, Paul Erdös, Branko Grünbaum and Cecil Rousseau.
Colorado Springs, CO: Center for Excellence in Mathematical Education. xiii, 140 p. (1990).
[Reviewer: J.M.Wills]
, 52-01 52A10 05-01 52C17
Zbl 695.10048
Cameron, Peter J.; Erdös, Paul
, On the number of sets of integers with various properties.
Number theory, Proc. 1st Conf. Can. Number Theory Assoc., Banff/Alberta (Can.) 1988, 61-79 (1990).
[Reviewer: M.Nair]
, 11B13 11B25 11B99 11B75
Zbl 697.10002
Erdös, Paul
, Some applications of probability methods to number theory. Successes and limitations.
Sequences, combinatorics, compression, security, and transmission, Pap. Adv. Int. Workshop, Naples/Italy 1988, 182-194 (1990).
[Reviewer: B.Volkmann]
, 11-02 11B13 11K65 11N37
Zbl 697.10047
Erdös, Paul; Freiman, Gregory
, On two additive problems.
J. Number Theory 34, No.1, 1-12 (1990).
[Reviewer: A.Balog]
, 11B13 11P55 11P99 11B05
Zbl 698.05033
Eggleton, R.B.; Erdös, Paul; Skilton, D.K.
, Colouring prime distance graphs.
Graphs Comb. 6, No.1, 17-32 (1990).
[Reviewer: K.Engel]
, 05C15 11B75
Zbl 699.10068
Erdös, Paul; Sárközy, A.
, On a conjecture of Roth and some related problems. II.
Number theory, Proc. 1st Conf. Can. Number Theory Assoc., Banff/Alberta (Can.) 1988, 125-138 (1990).
[Reviewer: I.Z.Ruzsa]
, 11B83
Zbl 699.10069
Brown, T.C.; Erdös, Paul; Freedman, A.R.
, Quasi-progressions and descending waves.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 53, No.1, 81-95 (1990).
[Reviewer: St.Porubský]
, 11B25
Zbl 703.01019
Turán, Paul
, Collected papers of Paul Turán. Volumes 1-3.
Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. xxxviii, 2665 p. DM 340.00 (1990).
[Reviewer: H.K.Kaiser]
, 01A75 01A60 01A70
Zbl 704.05020
Erdös, Paul; Kubicka, Ewa; Schwenk, Allen J.
, Graphs that require many colors to achieve their chromatic sum.
Combinatorics, graph theory, and computing, Proc. 20th Southeast Conf., Boca Raton/FL (USA) 1989, Congr. Numerantium 71, 17-28 (1990).
[Reviewer: B.Toft]
, 05C15 05C35
Zbl 704.05039
Erdös, Paul; Faudree, Ralph J.; Gould, R.J.; Gyárfás, A.; Rousseau, C.; Schelp, R.H.
, Monochromatic coverings in colored complete graphs.
Combinatorics, graph theory, and computing, Proc. 20th Southeast Conf., Boca Raton/FL (USA) 1989, Congr. Numerantium 71, 29-38 (1990).
[Reviewer: B.Toft]
, 05C70
Zbl 704.11032
Erdös, Paul; Ivic, Aleksandar
, The distribution of values of a certain class of arithmetic functions at consecutive integers.
Number theory. Vol. I. Elementary and analytic, Proc. Conf., Budapest/Hung. 1987, Colloq. Math. Soc. János Bolyai 51, 45-91 (1990).
[Reviewer: E.Krätzel]
, 11N37 11N45
Zbl 706.00007
Baker, A.(ed.); Bollobás, Béla (ed.); Hajnal, András (ed.)
, A tribute to Paul Erdös.
Cambridge etc.: Cambridge University Press. xv, 478 p. \sterling 55.00; $ 99.50 (1990).
, 00B15 11-06 05-06 00B30
Zbl 707.11071
Erdös, Paul; Szalay, M.
, On some problems of the statistical theory of partitions.
Number theory. Vol. I. Elementary and analytic, Proc. Conf., Budapest/Hung. 1987, Colloq. Math. Soc. János Bolyai 51, 93-110 (1990).
[Reviewer: B.Garrison]
, 11P81 20P05 00A07
Zbl 708.11002
Erdös, Paul
, Uses of and limitations of computers in number theory.
Computers and mathematics, Proc. Int. Conf., Stanford/CA (USA) 1986, Lect. Notes Pure Appl. Math. 125, 241-260 (1990).
[Reviewer: H.J.Godwin]
, 11-02 11Yxx 11N25 11N37 11N60 11B13 11N13
Zbl 709.11003
Erdös, Paul
, Some of my favourite unsolved problems.
A tribute to Paul Erdös, 467-478 (1990).
, 11-02 05-02 52-02 00A07
Zbl 709.11015
Erdös, Paul; Maxsein, Th.; Smith, P.R.
, Primzahlpotenzen in rekurrenten Folgen. (Prime powers in recurrent sequences.)
Analysis 10, No.1, 71-83 (1990).
[Reviewer: P.Kiss]
, 11B37 30B40
Zbl 711.60025
Erdös, Paul; Révész, P.
, A new law of iterated logarithm.
Acta Math. Hung. 55, No. ½, 125-131 (1990).
[Reviewer: I.S.Borisov]
, 60F15 60G15 60J65
Zbl 714.05033
Erdös, Paul; Faudree, Ralph J.; Rousseau, C.C.; Schelp, R.H.
, Subgraphs of minimal degree k.
Discrete Math. 85, No.1, 53-58 (1990).
, 05C35
Zbl 715.11014
Erdös, Paul; Zaks, Abraham
, Reducible sums and splittable sets.
J. Number Theory 36, No.1, 89-94 (1990).
[Reviewer: St.Znám]
, 11B99
Zbl 715.11050
Erdös, Paul; Schinzel, A.
, On the greatest prime factor of prodxk = 1f(k).
Acta Arith. 55, No.2, 191-200 (1990).
[Reviewer: W.Narkiewicz]
, 11N32
Zbl 718.11041
Balog, A.; Erdös, Paul; Tenenbaum, G.
, On arithmetic functions involving consecutive divisors.
Analytic number theory, Proc. Conf. in Honor of Paul T. Bateman, Urbana/IL (USA) 1989, Prog. Math. 85, 77-90 (1990).
[Reviewer: A.Hildebrand (Urbana)]
, 11N25 11N37
Zbl 721.05020
Erdös, Paul; Gimbel, John; Straight, H.Joseph
, Chromatic number versus chromatic number in graphs with bounded clique number.
Eur. J. Comb. 11, No.3, 235-240 (1990).
[Reviewer: B.Toft (Odense)]
, 05C15 05C35
Zbl 721.11005
Erdös, Paul; Joó, István; Komornik, Vilmos
, Characterization of the unique expansions 1 = sumooi = 1q-n_ i and related problems.
Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 118, No.3, 377-390 (1990).
[Reviewer: A.Knopfmacher (Wits)]
, 11A63
Zbl 721.11034
Erdös, Paul; Granville, A.; Pomerance, C.; Spiro, C.
, On the normal behavior of the iterates of some arithmetic functions.
Analytic number theory, Proc. Conf. in Honor of Paul T. Bateman, Urbana/IL (USA) 1989, Prog. Math. 85, 165-204 (1990).
[Reviewer: E.J.Scourfield (Egham)]
, 11N37 11A25
Zbl 722.52009
Erdös, Paul; Pach, János
, Variations on the theme of repeated distances.
Combinatorica 10, No.3, 261-269 (1990).
[Reviewer: P.Smith (Keele)]
, 52C10 52A10 52A20
Zbl 723.11046
Erdös, Paul; Pomerance, Carl
, On a theorem of Besicovitch: Values of arithmetic functions that divide their arguments.
Indian J. Math. 32, No.3, 279-287 (1990).
[Reviewer: W.Schwarz (Frankfurt / Main)]
, 11N37 11N25
Zbl 723.52005
Erdös, Paul; Komjáth, P.
, Countable decompositions of R2 and R3.
Discrete Comput. Geom. 5, No.4, 325-331 (1990).
[Reviewer: E.J.F.Primrose (Leicester)]
, 52C10 51M15
Zbl 724.05048
Erdös, Paul; Tuza, Zsolt
, Rainbow Hamiltonian paths and canonically colored subgraphs in infinite complete graphs.
Math. Pannonica 1, No.1, 5-13 (1990).
[Reviewer: C.Thomassen (Lyngby)]
, 05C55 05C15 05C45
Zbl 725.05051
Erdös, Paul
, Problems and results on graphs and hypergraphs: Similarities and differences.
Mathematics of Ramsey theory, Coll. Pap. Symp. Graph Theory, Prague/Czech., Algorithms Comb. 5, 12-28 (1990).
[Reviewer: Kan Jiahai (Nanjing)]
, 05C35 05-02 00A07 05C65 05D10 05C55
Zbl 725.11007
Erdös, Paul; Tetali, Prasad
, Representations of integers as the sum of k terms.
Random Struct. Algorithms 1, No.3, 245-261 (1990).
[Reviewer: E.Härtter (Mainz)]
, 11B13
Zbl 725.11012
Erdös, Paul; Sárközy, A.
, On a problem of Straus.
Disorder in physical systems, Vol. in Honour of J. M. Hammersley 70th Birthday, 55-66 (1990).
[Reviewer: M.Nair (Glasgow)]
, 11B99 05D05 00A07
Zbl 727.11009
Erdös, Paul; Nesetril, Jaroslav; Rödl, Vojtech
, On Pisier type problems and results (combinatorial applications to number theory).
Mathematics of Ramsey theory, Coll. Pap. Symp. Graph Theory, Prague/Czech., Algorithms Comb. 5, 214-231 (1990).
[Reviewer: St.Znám (Bratislava)]
, 11B75 05D10 00A07 05A18
Zbl 727.11038
Erdös, Paul; Nicolas, J.L.; Sárközy, A.
, On the number of partitions of n without a given subsum. II.
Analytic number theory, Proc. Conf. in Honor of Paul T. Bateman, Urbana/IL (USA) 1989, Prog. Math. 85, 205-234 (1990).
[Reviewer: B.Garrison (San Diego)]
, 11P81 05A17
Zbl 732.51007
Drake, David A.; Erdös, Paul
, Bounds on the number of pairs of unjoined points in a partial plane.
Coding theory and design theory. Part II: Design theory, Proc. Workshop IMA Program Appl. Comb., Minneapolis/MN (USA) 1987-88, IMA Vol. Math. Appl. 21, 102-112 (1990).
[Reviewer: W.E.Cherowitzo (Denver)]
, 51E14 05B30 90C05
Zbl 734.05002
Erdös, Paul
, Some of my old and new combinatorial problems.
Paths, flows, and VLSI-layout, Proc. Meet., Bonn/Ger. 1988, Algorithms Comb. 9, 35-45 (1990).
, 05-02 00A07
Zbl 737.05001
Erdös, Paul
, On some of my favourite problems in graph theory and block designs.
Matematiche 45, No.1, 61-73 (1990).
, 05-02 00A07 05Cxx 05Bxx
© European Mathematical Society & FIZ Karlsruhe & Springer-Verlag