Zentralblatt MATH
Publications in 1989
Zbl 664.00007
Bollobás, Béla (ed.)
, Graph theory and combinatorics 1988. Proceedings of the Cambridge Combinatorial Conference in Honour of Paul Erdös (held at Trinity College, Cambridge, U.K., March 21-25, 1988).
Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 75, Nos. 1-3. Special Volume. Amsterdam: North-Holland. VIII, 410 p.; {$} 3.50 (1989).
, 00B25 05-06
Zbl 664.01008
Erdös, Paul
, On some aspects of my work with Gabriel Dirac.
Graph theory in memory of G. A. Dirac, Pap. Meet., Sandbjerg/Den. 1985, Ann. Discrete Math. 41, 111-116 (1989).
[Reviewer: A.s.Saidan]
, 01A60 01A70 05-03
Zbl 664.10025
Alladi, K.; Erdös, Paul; Vaaler, J.D.
, Multiplicative functions and small divisors. II.
J. Number Theory 31, No.2, 183-190 (1989).
[Reviewer: A.Hildebrand]
, 11N37 11K65 11A25
Zbl 666.10036
Erdös, Paul; Spencer, Joel
, Monochromatic sumsets.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 50, No.1, 162-163 (1989).
[Reviewer: M.Dodson]
, 11B13 05A05 11B75
Zbl 668.01013
Bollobás, Béla
, Paul Erdös at seventy-five.
Discrete Math. 75. No.1-3, 3-5 (1989).
, 01A70 01A65
Zbl 668.05037
Erdös, Paul; Hajnal, András
, On the number of distinct induced subgraphs of a graph.
Discrete Math. 75, No.1-3, 145-154 (1989).
[Reviewer: Yu.M.Voloshin]
, 05C35 05C30
Zbl 672.05063
Burr, Stefan A.; Erdös, Paul; Faudree, Ralph J.; Rousseau, C.C.; Schelp, R.H.
, Some complete bipartite graph-tree Ramsey numbers.
Graph theory in memory of G. A. Dirac, Pap. Meet., Sandbjerg/Den. 1985, Ann. Discrete Math. 41, 79-89 (1989).
[Reviewer: J.E.Graver]
, 05C55
Zbl 672.20003
Beasley, L.B.; Brenner, J.L.; Erdös, Paul; Szalay, M.; Williamson, A.G.
, Generation of alternating groups by pairs of conjugates.
Creation Math. Sci. 22, 16-18 (1989).
, 20B35 20F05 20P05
Zbl 673.01015
Erdös, Paul
, Some personal and mathematical reminiscences of Kurt Mahler.
Aust. Math. Soc. Gaz. 16, No.1, 1-2 (1989).
, 01A70 01A60
Zbl 673.05007
Erdös, Paul; Nicolas, J.L.; Sárközy, A.
, On the number of partitions of n without a given subsum. I.
Discrete Math. 75, No.1-3, 155-166 (1989).
[Reviewer: G.L.Alexanderson]
, 05A17 05A15 11P81
Zbl 674.05040
Caccetta, Louis; Erdös, Paul; Vijayan, K.
, On graphs with adjacent vertices of large degree.
J. Comb. Math. Comb. Comput. 5, 217-222 (1989).
[Reviewer: H.-J.Presia]
, 05C35 05C75
Zbl 676.10030
Erdös, Paul; Tenenbaum, G.
, Sur les fonctions arithmétiques liées aux diviseurs consécutifs. (On arithmetic functions related to consecutive divisors.)
J. Number Theory 31, No.3, 285-311 (1989).
[Reviewer: E.J.Scourfield]
, 11N05 11N37 11K65 11B83
Zbl 677.05028
Thomassen, Carsten; Erdös, Paul; Alavi, Yousef; Malde, Paresh J.; Schwenk, Allen J.
, Tight bounds on the chromatic sum of a connected graph.
J. Graph Theory 13, No.3, 353-357 (1989).
[Reviewer: U.Baumann]
, 05C15
Zbl 678.00006
Bollobás, Béla
, Graph theory and combinatorics 1988. Proceedings of the Cambridge combinatorial conference (Trinity College, Cambridge, UK, from 21 to 25 March 1988) in honour of Paul Erdös. Reprinted from `Discrete Mathematics 75, No.1-3 (1989)'.
Annals of Discrete Mathematics, 43. Amsterdam etc.: North-Holland. vi, 410 p. (1989).
, 00B25 05-06
Zbl 678.05039
Burr, Stefan A.; Erdös, Paul; Faudree, Ralph J.; Schelp, R.H.
, On the difference between consecutive Ramsey numbers.
Util. Math. 35, 115-118 (1989).
[Reviewer: J.E.Graver]
, 05C55
Zbl 679.10013
Erdös, Paul; Nicolas, J.L.; Szalay, M.
, Partitions into parts which are unequal and large.
Number theory, Proc. 15th Journ. Arith., Ulm/FRG 1987, Lect. Notes Math. 1380, 19-30 (1989).
[Reviewer: B.Garrison]
, 11P81
Zbl 682.05046
Burr, Stefan A.; Erdös, Paul; Graham, Ronald L.; Sós, V.T.
, Maximal anti-Ramsey graphs and the strong chromatic number.
J. Graph Theory 13, No.3, 263-282 (1989).
[Reviewer: J.E.Graver]
, 05C55 05C15
Zbl 682.41031
Erdös, Paul; Vértesi, P.
, On certain saturation problems.
Acta Math. Hung. 53, No. ½, 197-203 (1989).
[Reviewer: S.P.Singh]
, 41A40 41A05 41A36
Zbl 683.10025
Erdös, Paul; Gruber, P.M.; Hammer, J.
, Lattice points.
Pitman Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 39. Harlow: Longman Scientific & Technical; New York etc.: John Wiley & Sons. viii, 184 p. \sterling 30.00 (1989).
[Reviewer: E.Schulte]
, 11Hxx 11-01 52-01 05-01 52B99 11H06 05B40 52C07 11H55 05B45 52C17 11H31
Zbl 683.10035
Erdös, Paul; Nicolas, Jean-Louis
, Grandes valeurs de fonctions liées aux diviseurs premiers consécutifs d'un entier. (Large values of functions connected to consecutive prime divisors of an integer.)
Théorie des nombres, C. R. Conf. Int., Québec/Can. 1987, 169-200 (1989).
[Reviewer: A.Hildebrand]
, 11N05 11N37
Zbl 684.05043
Erdös, Paul; Hell, P.; Winkler, P.
, Bandwidth versus bandsize.
Graph theory in memory of G. A. Dirac, Pap. Meet., Sandbjerg/Den. 1985, Ann. Discrete Math. 41, 117-129 (1989).
[Reviewer: R.Bodendiek]
, 05C99 05C80
Zbl 685.10002
Erdös, Paul
, Ramanujan and I. (Appendix: On composite numbers by J. L. Nicolas).
Number theory, Proc. Int. Ramanujan Cent. Conf., Madras/India 1987, Lect. Notes Math. 1395, 1-20 (1989).
[Reviewer: E.J.Scourfield]
, 11-03 11N05 01A65 11K65 11P81
Zbl 686.05029
Erdös, Paul; Pach, János; Pollack, Richard; Tuza, Zsolt
, Radius, diameter, and minimum degree.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 47, No.1, 73-79 (1989).
[Reviewer: Ch.Schulz]
, 05C35 05C38
Zbl 687.10031
Erdös, Paul; Nicolas, J.L.
, On functions connected with prime divisors of an integer.
Number theory and applications, Proc. NATO ASI, Banff/Can. 1988, NATO ASI Ser., Ser. C 265, 381-391 (1989).
[Reviewer: K.Alladi]
, 11N37 11N05
Zbl 689.10061
Erdös, Paul; Sárközy, A.; Sós, V.T.
, On a conjecture of Roth and some related problems. I.
Irregularities of partitions, Pap. Meet., Fertod/Hung. 1986, Algorithms Comb. 8, 47-59 (1989).
[Reviewer: I.Z.Ruzsa]
, 11B05
Zbl 691.05053
Erdös, Paul; Evans, Anthony B.
, Representations of graphs and orthogonal Latin square graphs.
J. Graph Theory 13, No.5, 593-595 (1989).
, 05C99 05B15
Zbl 692.05037
Alon, Noga; Erdös, Paul
, Disjoint edges in geometric graphs.
Discrete Comput. Geom. 4, No.4, 287-290 (1989).
, 05C35
Zbl 692.10045
Erdös, Paul; Nathanson, Melvyn B.
, Additive bases with many representations.
Acta Arith. 52, No.4, 399-406 (1989).
[Reviewer: J.Zöllner]
, 11B13
Zbl 692.41004
Erdös, Paul; Kroò, A.; Szabados, J.
, On convergent interpolatory polynomials.
J. Approximation Theory 58, No.2, 232-241 (1989).
[Reviewer: Y.Sitaraman]
, 41A05 41A10
Zbl 694.05031
Erdös, Paul; Lovász, László; Vesztergombi, K.
, On the graph of large distances.
Discrete Comput. Geom. 4, No.6, 541-549 (1989).
[Reviewer: B.Zelinka]
, 05C15 05C38 52A10
Zbl 694.10040
Erdös, Paul; Tenenbaum, G.
, Sur les densités de certaines suites d'entiers. (On densities of certain sequences of integers.)
Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., III. Ser. 59, No.3, 417-438 (1989).
[Reviewer: E.J.Scourfield]
, 11N05 11N37 11B83 11K65
Zbl 695.10040
Erdös, Paul; Ivic, Aleksandar
, On the iterates of the enumerating function of finite Abelian groups.
Bull., Cl. Sci. Math. Nat., Sci. Math. 17, 13-22 (1989).
[Reviewer: E.Krätzel]
, 11N45
Zbl 699.05001
, Problems.
Irregularities of partitions, Pap. Meet., Fertod/Hung. 1986, Algorithms Comb. 8, 161-165 (1989).
, 05-01 05Cxx 00A07
Zbl 704.60072
Erdös, Paul; Révész, P.
, On the area of the circles covered by a random walk.
Multivariate statistics and probability, Essays in Memory of Paruchuri R. Krishnaiah, 169-180 (1989).
[Reviewer: C.C.Heyde]
, 60J15 60D05
Zbl 708.05057
Erdös, Paul; Faudree, Ralph J.; Gyárfás, A.; Schelp, R.H.
, Domination in colored complete graphs.
J. Graph Theory 13, No.6, 713-718 (1989).
[Reviewer: D.Lick]
, 05C99 68R10
Zbl 709.11001
Erdös, Paul
, On some problems and results in elementary number theory.
J. Sichuan Univ., Nat. Sci. Ed. 26, Spec. Issue, 1-6 (1989).
, 11-02 00A07 11B75 11D57 05D05
Zbl 709.11002
Erdös, Paul
, Some old and new problems on additive and combinatorial number theory.
Combinatorial mathematics, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf., New York/ NY (USA) 1985, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 555, 181-186 (1989).
[Reviewer: M.Nair]
, 11-02 11B13 11B75 00A07
Zbl 715.05052
Erdös, Paul; Hajnal, András
, Ramsey-type theorems.
Discrete Appl. Math. 25, No. ½, 37-52 (1989).
[Reviewer: J.E.Graver]
, 05C55 05A17 05C65
Zbl 718.11001
Erdös, Paul
, Problems and results on extremal problems in number theory, geometry, and combinatorics.
Rostocker Math. Kolloq. 38, 6-14 (1989).
, 11-02 05-02 52-02 05D99 11B75 05C35 00A07
Zbl 737.05006
Erdös, Paul; Hickerson, Dean; Pach, János
, A problem of Leo Moser about repeated distances on the sphere.
Am. Math. Mon. 96, No.7, 569-575 (1989).
, 05A05 05B30 00A07
Zbl 738.05051
Erdös, Paul; Gyárfás, A.; Ordman, E.T.; Zalcstein, Y.
, The size of chordal, interval and threshold subgraphs.
Combinatorica 9, No.3, 245-253 (1989).
[Reviewer: C.Godsil (Waterloo / Ontario)]
, 05C35
Zbl 790.11015
Erdös, Paul
, Some problems and results on combinatorial number theory.
Capobianco, Michael F. (ed.) et al., Graph theory and its applications: East and West. Proceedings of the first China-USA international conference, held in Jinan, China, June 9-20, 1986. New York: New York Academy of Sciences, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 576, 132-145 (1989).
, 11B75 11-02 00A07
Zbl 792.05076
Erdös, Paul; Faudree, Ralph J.; Schelp, R.H.; Simonovits, M.
, An extremal result for paths.
Capobianco, Michael F. (ed.) et al., Graph theory and its applications: East and West. Proceedings of the first China-USA international conference, held in Jinan, China, June 9-20, 1986. New York: New York Academy of Sciences, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 576, 155-162 (1989).
, 05C35 05C38
Zbl 792.05103
Erdös, Paul; Faudree, Ralph J.; Rousseau, C.C.; Schelp, R.H.
, Multipartite graph-tree Ramsey numbers.
Capobianco, Michael F. (ed.) et al., Graph theory and its applications: East and West. Proceedings of the first China-USA international conference, held in Jinan, China, June 9-20, 1986. New York: New York Academy of Sciences, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 576, 146-154 (1989).
, 05C55 05C05
© European Mathematical Society & FIZ Karlsruhe & Springer-Verlag