Zentralblatt MATH
Publications in 1982
Zbl 465.05058
Erdös, Paul; Faudree, Ralph J.; Rousseau, C.C.; Schelp, R.H.
, Graphs with certain families of spanning trees.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 32, 162-170 (1982).
, 05C75 05C05 05C55
Zbl 477.05012
Erdös, Paul
, Problems and results on finite and infinite combinatorial analysis. II.
Logic and algorithmic, int. Symp., Zuerich 1980, Monogr. L'Enseign. Math. 30, 131-144 (1982).
, 05A17 04A20 05C65 00A07
Zbl 483.51010
Erdös, Paul; Vincze, I.
, On the approximation of convex, closed plane curves by multifocal ellipses.
Essays in statistical science, Pap. in Honour of P.A.P. Moran, J. Appl. Probab., Spec. Vol. 19A, 89-96 (1982).
[Reviewer: J.E.Valentine]
, 51K10 51M25
Zbl 484.10001
Erdös, Paul
, Some new problems and results in number theory.
Number theory, Proc. 3rd Matsci. Conf., Mysore/India 1981, Lect. Notes Math. 938, 50-74 (1982).
[Reviewer: B.Garrison]
, 11-02 11B13 11N05 00A07 11P99 11B99 11M99
Zbl 485.05052
Erdös, Paul
, On the covering of the vertices of a graph by cliques.
J. Math. Res. Expo. 1982, No.1, 93-96 (1982).
[Reviewer: J.-H.Tian]
, 05C70 05C30 05C35
Zbl 488.10043
Erdös, Paul; Sárközy, András
, Some asymptotic formulas on generalized divisor functions. II.
J. Number Theory 15, 115-136 (1982).
[Reviewer: W.Schwarz]
, 11N37 11K65 11B99
Zbl 489.05003
Erdös, Paul; Frankl, P.; Fueredi, Z.
, Families of finite sets in which no set is covered by the union of two others.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 33, 158-166 (1982).
[Reviewer: J.Libicher]
, 05A05 05B07 05C65
Zbl 489.05039
Burr, Stefan A.; Erdös, Paul; Faudree, Ralph J.; Rousseau, C.C.; Schelp, R.H.
, Ramsey-minimal graphs for forests.
Discrete Math. 38, 23-32 (1982).
[Reviewer: J.Nesetril]
, 05C55 05C05
Zbl 489.10041
Erdös, Paul; Lint, J.H.van
, On the average ratio of the smallest and largest prime divisor of n.
Indag. Math. 44, 127-132 (1982).
[Reviewer: H.Jager]
, 11N05 11N37 11A41
Zbl 491.10044
Erdös, Paul
, Some problems on additive number theory.
Ann. Discrete Math. 12, 113-116 (1982).
[Reviewer: B.Garrison]
, 11B83 05B10 11B75
Zbl 492.10037
Erdös, Paul; Sárközy, András
, Some asymptotic formulas on generalized divisor functions. III.
Acta Arith. 41, 395-411 (1982).
[Reviewer: W.Schwarz]
, 11N37
Zbl 493.05048
Chung, F.R.K.; Erdös, Paul; Graham, Ronald L.
, Minimal decompositions of hypergraphs into mutually isomorphic subhypergraphs.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 32, 241-251 (1982).
[Reviewer: D.de Caen]
, 05C65
Zbl 493.05049
Erdös, Paul; Hobbs, Arthur M.; Payan, C.
, Disjoint cliques and disjoint maximal independent sets of vertices in graphs.
Discrete Math. 42, 57-61 (1982).
[Reviewer: M.Sudolský]
, 05C70 05C35
Zbl 495.05035
Babai, Laszlo; Chung, F.R.K.; Erdös, Paul; Graham, Ronald L.; Spencer, J.H.
, On graphs which contain all sparse graphs.
Ann. Discrete Math. 12, 21-26 (1982).
[Reviewer: C.Godsil]
, 05C35
Zbl 496.05009
Erdös, Paul; Faber, Vance; Jones, F.
, Projective (2n,n,\lambda,1)-designs.
J. Stat. Plann. Inference 7, 181-191 (1982).
[Reviewer: G.Ferrero]
, 05B05 05B30 05C65 05B40
Zbl 499.05014
Erdös, Paul; Larson, J.
, On pairwise balanced block designs with the sizes of blocks as uniform as possible.
Ann. Discrete Math. 15, 129-134 (1982).
[Reviewer: E.F.Assmus jun]
, 05B05 05B25
Zbl 501.05033
Erdös, Paul; Hajnal, András; Szemeredi, E.
, On almost bipartite large chromatic graphs.
Ann. Discrete Math. 12, 117-123 (1982).
[Reviewer: O.Frank]
, 05C15
Zbl 501.52009
Erdös, Paul; Purdy, G.; Straus, E.G.
, On a problem in combinatorial geometry.
Discrete Math. 40, 45-52 (1982).
[Reviewer: D.C.Kay]
, 52A40
Zbl 505.01012
Erdös, Paul
, Personal reminiscences and remarks on the mathematical work of Tibor Gallai.
Combinatorica 2, 207-212 (1982).
, 01A70
Zbl 506.10035
Erdös, Paul; Ivic, Aleksandar
, On sums involving reciprocals of certain arithmetical functions.
Publ. Inst. Math., Nouv. Ser. 32(46), 49-56 (1982).
, 11N05
Zbl 508.05043
Erdös, Paul; Simonovits, M.
, Compactness results in extremal graph theory.
Combinatorica 2, 275-288 (1982).
[Reviewer: W.G.Brown]
, 05C35 05C38 05C15
Zbl 511.05049
Erdös, Paul; Sós, Vera T.
, On Ramsey - Turan type theorems for hypergraphs.
Combinatorica 2, 289-295 (1982).
[Reviewer: L.Zaremba]
, 05C65 05C35 05C55
Zbl 513.05038
Erdös, Paul
, Ramsey numbers for brooms.
Combinatorics, graph theory and computing, Proc. 13th Southeast. Conf., Boca Raton 1982, Congr. Numerantium 35, 283-293 (1982).
[Reviewer: E.Palmer]
, 05C55 05C05
Zbl 515.05048
Duke, Richard; Erdös, Paul
, Subgraphs in which each pair of edges lies in a short common cycle.
Combinatorics, graph theory and computing, Proc. 13th Southeast. Conf., Boca Raton 1982, Congr. Numerantium 35, 253-260 (1982).
[Reviewer: W.G.Brown]
, 05C65 05C35 05C38
Zbl 517.05018
Erdös, Paul
, Problems and results on block designs and set systems.
Combinatorics, graph theory and computing, Proc. 13th Southeast. Conf., Boca Raton 1982, Congr. Numerantium 35, 3-16 (1982).
[Reviewer: W.H.Mills]
, 05B30 05-02 05B40 00A07
Zbl 536.10007
Erdös, Paul; Guy, R.K.; Selfridge, J.L.
, Another property of 239 and some related questions.
Numerical mathematics and computing, Proc. 11th Manitoba Conf., Winnipeg/Manit. 1981, Congr. Numerantium 34, 243-257 (1982).
[Reviewer: K.Ramachandra]
, 11A25 11A41 05A10
Zbl 541.10002
Erdös, Paul
, On prime factors of binomial coefficients. II.
Mat. Lapok 30, 307-316 (1982).
[Reviewer: A.Balog]
, 11A05 05A10
Zbl 542.10011
Erdös, Paul
, On some unusual, non-conventional problems in additive number theory.
Mat. Lapok 30, 9-14 (1982).
[Reviewer: I.Z.Ruzsa]
, 11B75 11B83 11P99 00A07
Zbl 542.10040
Erdös, Paul; Sárközy, András
, On a problem of R. R. Hall.
Mat. Lapok 30, 23-31 (1982).
[Reviewer: I.Z.Ruzsa]
, 11B83 11N37 11A05
Zbl 543.05047
Burr, Stefan A.; Erdös, Paul; Faudree, Ralph J.; Rousseau, C.C.; Schelp, R.H.
, Ramsey numbers for the pair sparse graph-path or cycle.
Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 269, 501-512 (1982).
, 05C55
Zbl 563.10002
Erdös, Paul
, Miscellaneous problems in number theory.
Numerical mathematics and computing, Proc. 11th Manitoba Conf., Winnipeg/Manit. 1981, Congr. Numerantium 34, 25-45 (1982).
[Reviewer: K.Ramachandra]
, 11-02 11A41 11N37 11B13 11P99 00A07
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