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 Electronic Communications in Probability > Vol. 14 (2009) > Paper 29 open journal systems 

Large deviations in randomly coloured random graphs

J. D. Biggins, The University of Sheffield, UK
D.B. Penman, University of Essex, UK

Models of random graphs are considered where the presence or absence of an edge depends on the random types (colours) of its vertices, so that whether or not edges are present can be dependent. The principal objective is to study large deviations in the number of edges. These graphs provide a natural example with two different non-degenerate large deviation regimes, one arising from large deviations in the colourings followed by typical edge placement and the other from large deviation in edge placement. A secondary objective is to illustrate the use of a general result on large deviations for mixtures.

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Pages: 290-301

Published on: July 10, 2009

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Electronic Communications in Probability. ISSN: 1083-589X